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Different Types Of Leaves Of Halophytes Na ~ + Mechanism Of Regionalization Of The Role Of A Comparative Study

Posted on:2002-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N W QiuFull Text:PDF
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Though Na+ Nmen intO vacule is an twOrtan meeedsm of plantsalttolerane and a major cbe df haloPhyts. dibo tyPe of halophytesand differeni organs of the same SPecies haV diverse abi1thes ofNa+compmp which the thected the grOwh of p1ant Unde salAnty.Suaede saho, Atrpe ceha'forha and Arboisia anethghlia wer treatedwith NaCl in the Present StUdy We analyZed the ptherane of Na+comPament in the lcaves btw thes tthe SPecies and the reason of it andexPoUnde the boortance of Na+ comPartmen in the leave in p1an salt-tolerance. The resultS we had dettw lined as follows:1. Tbe effectS of salttreahoent on tke garetk situations of dtherent type ofhalophytes.The ability of sait-tolerane of dibo tyP of halOPhyts are different.The relative grOwh wi of ArboisiQ anethghlia Unde 100-400mmol 'L-'NaCl was lowe than the conbo1i thee the relative gnwth qUantity of Suaedasalsa and Amplex cenhabo unde l00400Inml 'L' NaCl wer higherthan the conbol. The M relW growth qUantity of Atheisia anethghlia,SuM M and Atrpe centwwt was reSPectively Under 0200,l00mml -L' NaCl. The organs of the for SPecies reSPonsd in differen W8y totaltw The ratios of roots and shoOts of both besh weigh and dry weigh ofArthaiSia anethghlia rose ed the inCrase of NaCl concentalon in medwtonly declined Under 400 rnml -L' NaCl. The ratios of roots and shoOtS offreSh weght of M M and Awt cenhabo decreaSed with theM of NaCl conCeDhaon in the ed mwhny but tha of dry weighchanged very lthe.57The cormfor analysis betw the relativ ~ wi and othePhysiological wt under M NaCl W in mediumshowed tha the relallve growth qUantity was closely coedand to watercontent of whole plant and the SUCCwt degree of the leaves. The gh ofArtimisia anethghIia tha had bethe ability of Na excluson was chbtal byNaCl,and the degree of grOwh -- by NaCl of AffiPlex cenhaiathawhose leaves had an ability of Na+exCreon wer lower than tha of SuaedasalsQ tmder 200400InInI'L-l NaCl,which showed tha Na+ excIusion and Na+excretion didn't play a critical rOe in plan salboleranc. The pattem ofgrOwth enhancemen by NaCl of the three SPecies unde saltw exeePt l00mmol'L--l NaCl was sbolar to be of Na acCUmuledon in leaves, whichShowed tha the abi1ity of Na+ aCCUmulaon in leaves ndgh be closely relativeto plan saltco1erance.2' The effects of saboahoeut ou the conhets of inorganic ions andsoluablc oreanic componentS in each organ of dchtal type of halopbytes.The contents of Na+ and Cl-- in the leaves of the three SPecies inCrasedwith the increaSe of NaCl conCewton in the nd medium. On thecowt the coM of K+ and Ca2+ decreased. The contentS of Na+ and Cl- inthe leaves of the three SPecies were two tO sin tims higher than tha of in rootS.The conten of proline in the leavs of the three SPeies inCrased moStlyds saIt thebo. The contentS of soluble sugat inereased tOo. However thecoM of tOtal bee talon acd decreased ed the increase of NaClconCentalon in the be ch. The contents of oreboc acd in the leavesof AMisia anethghlia increaSd with.the inCrase of NaCl conCentration in theeXtemal medin, bu tha in the lcaves of Suaede Saho and A~centraforbo changed in disode3. The aualysis of tbe contributi6n Of Na+ compartment into leaves tO plantsalt4oleranceffe boe rpectri wi Na+ mtaly bo ed theots,egucially dritheir leawe under saltw and 90% of Na wtwt intO the leavesedated in mplast. The amOUn of NareCred by leaVes of SUaede Sahaand Arboisia anethpo was less than l% of the totai Nain their leaveS whil58the amount of Na ed by leawe of Sait-exedon haiOPbe Atrpecenhahatw was ouly 7% Of the od Na+ in the leaves.The oSmotic wton Of the leawe of the for ler mainly depededon W anu untw the comel coareon. bo edy aenenaed on Na+ anaCY M saltw The COntwon of inorgedc fonS to oSmfor wiedon. increased ds ha4. The effects Of saltwtent on V-H+AfPase kydrelisis activty ofdchrent tyPe of haloPthe.The reSPons of V-inAThase hydrlisis Anvity of the leaVes...
Keywords/Search Tags:halophyte, leaves, Na~+ compartment, growth, V-H~+-ATPase, Na~+/H~+ antiport
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