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Analysis And Research On Performance Measurement Of The Supply Chain Management

Posted on:2011-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W T CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360308460237Subject:Carrier Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology, knowledge technology and information are developed and shared in the world. This also makes a wide range of Supply Chain Management practices applied to various industries worldwide.The enterprises quickly realize the benefits of Supply Chain is obvious that the corporation have to change their traditional managemnet monel and pay attention to not only inner resource and competition ability but also outter resource and competition ability.The real competition is not the competition of the enterprises in 21st century, but the competition of the supply chain. And the coming of economic integration and the outsourcing era, more and more enterprises realize that to effectively manage the Supply Chain, they must estimate the performance of the Supply Chain.This paper analyzes the domestic and international supply chain management and related developments in the field to study the basic theory of supply chain management and supply chain performance evaluation theory, evaluation of supply chain principles and methods;On this basis,establish the three index system through the internal,external and overall supply Chain,further analyze the evaluation system of their performance,deal with the relevant index, Also constructed for the evaluation of supply chain performance scorecard and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and AHP combines the two evaluation methods, evaluation methods, evaluation index weights were determined depth; Finally, based on supply chain Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and AHP method of combining a good evaluation system in the building on a comprehensive evaluation, gives a detailed calculation, using simulated cases on the construction supply chain performance evaluation methods the practical application to verify its effectiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:supply chain, supply chain management, results evaluation, the faintness synthesizes to evaluate the method
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