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A Study Of Value Orientation Of China's Nation Income Allocation System Y

Posted on:2011-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305977658Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Almost a century earlier than Platonic philosopher of Hera off Claire maxim: "you have entered the same river ,but the flows are different.〞In scientific research, we can find that a "historic proposition for specific background, specific" conditions and special problem, will give different period of study with different contents, features and fresh. Just in this recycle of study, the scientific knowledge grows, innovative ideas comes, just can appear "flowering contend" situation. Realization of fair income distribution is every rulers and the masses of the people's common ideal, In the LiYun ceremonies. From the Da tong society and constructing harmonious society of our efforts to contain all the fair distribution of income. Therefore, the study of income distribution has important significance.From ancient times to the present, the study of income distribution theory and policy is enumerate. In this paper, we from the value orientation analyses the social problem of current income gap become serious. Income distribution system leads to income gap. And people always choose by a system of interest group value preference. The value orientation decides the behaviors and solutions of human being, With respect to this issue, we should deal with it from the angle of the Marxist materialist dialectics. For it is a universal law that all things exist in the form of contradictory at any time, and it is the contradictory that promotes the development of things, which can not be changed by objective will. Therefore, in front of contradictories, we should not attribute the growing income gap to a certain system or policy; instead we should take the right attitudes and analyze the actual conditions coldly and make effective resolutions rationally to make the distorted value orientation return to the right and scientific road, resolving the contradictory between efficiency and fairness and promoting the social development in a healthy and rational way. In addition, Materialist Dialectics believes that the connections among things are universal, that there is no independent thing, and that all kinds of connections exist among things. The value orientations chosen by China in each phase were the results of all kinds of factors. The present proposal that"focusing on efficiency and equity in the initial distribution, and then focusing on fairness"is originated from the comprehensive factors such as the actual contradictory, the objective economic level and world environment. The essence of the proposal not only is to adhere to putting the economic construction at the core, but also to uphold the social fairness. Sticking to the"two point"theory of Materialist Dialectics, we should maintain both the efficiency and the fairness, and strive for the unity of the two, which is the requirement for the national situation, for solving social problems, and for building a harmonious society. The efficiency is the base of the fairness; in reverse, the latter can promote the former. Only through combining the efficiency and the fairness closely can we eradicate the phenomenon of polarization---the poor become poorer, and the rich become richer, which will prevent the social disturbance. Historic outlook of the Marxist materialist dialectics teaches us that the history is created by the masses, who are not only the creator of material wealth but also of spiritual wealth. The masses even are the decisive power of social reforms. Therefore, in practice we should put the common interest of the overall masses in the first place, especially the interest of vulnerable groups. In this way, the society can be stable and develop harmoniously, realizing the goals of common richness and harmony of society.In this paper, we analyses from affecting the value orientation of the income distribution system and the value orientation of the income distribution system in history. Thus we have the implement the scientific outlook on development and building a harmonious society. The main contents of this thesis contains following parts. In the introduction, the background, significance, and literal review of the thesis are expounded. In ChapterⅠ, the author gives a brief summary on the conceptions of system, income allocation system, value and value orientation, in addition, the concepts like the efficiency, equity, and the relationship between the efficiency and the fairness in the realm of value orientation of income allocation system are discussed. In ChapterⅡ, the value orientations of income allocation system of China are discussed and analyzed. In chapterⅢ, the factors influencing the value orientation of income allocation system are analyzed. In chapterⅣ, the author drew a conclusion that the construction of harmonious society is based on the unity of the fairness, the efficiency and the responsibility, which is the requirement of the social environment and social development and also is the core of solving the income gaps. In chapterⅤ, according to the situation of the present economic environment and social environment, some solutions are reached to realize the fairness, the efficiency, and the responsibility, such as, we should stress the efficiency and fairness in the initial allocation, and then pay more attention to the fairness; we should make the third allocation complete and improve the market mechanism, focusing on ensuring the fair opportunity and rules, taking the social development between countryside, city and different regions as a whole. In the whole process of the thesis, the author constantly takes the Materialist Dialectics of Marxism and Historical Materialism as the guideline to analyze and deal with the problems in the hope of solving problems comprehensively and systematically.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nation, Income Allocation, System, Value, Fairness, Efficiency
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