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Study On The Method Of Location Selecting For KENO Outlets

Posted on:2011-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305457196Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The lottery, which is issued with special license by the state to raise social welfare funds and promote the development of social public welfare, sold according to the law and purchased by natural persons with voluntary willing, is a kind of credentials for winning lucky opportunities in accordance with specific rules. In China, Keno is approved by the Ministry of Finance, and issued to the whole counry following the principle of unified game rules, unified management, unified technology platform, unified lottery draw rules and unified capital settlement that are set by China Welfare Lottery Distribution Center. It is the first lottery game issued by the state that is characteritic of recreational and fast timing. It is the combination of trational numbers game and modern computer communications technology, with the characteristics of multiple games, vivid screen, fast drawing, and high amusement.In China, the lottery outlets are the sites that sell lottery tickets, the basic process of its establishment is as the followings:first, it is applied by the local lottery administration organization, then the total site layouts will be reviewed and authorized by the provincial or central-level administration organization, and lastly it is assesed by the local lottery authorities and organizations. Due to the differences in regional economic environment, traffic conditions, population distribution, consumption habits, lifestyle and so on, the decisions of outlets selection are mainly made according to empirical judgments. There are little in-depth theoretical studies and practical application models for the issuse of lottory outlets selection in the country currently.As terminal sales site, the Keno outlets can access to the appearance image of the corresponding lottery varieties, the right to use the product identification and rights of operating and selling only after it get the special approval of the lottery regulatory agencies. Therefore, in the process of operating and sites selectiong for keno lottery outlets, it should follow and use the commercial network location selecting method of the franchise chain business model for reference.The paper atttempts to provide theoretical guidance for lottery outlets selecting method of Keno though the study on such sites selecting theories as Center Places Theory, Relly Rules,Theory of Land Value and the Theory of Minimum Difference, as well as the work experences obtained from the actual work of outlet sites selecting.To ensure a better combinaton between the selecting theory and selecting method of commerical location, the paper analyzes the location selecting method and the process of some international chain business, such as McDonald's, KFC, Wal-Mart and so on. The business network of these transnational chain giant are scattered throughout all corners of the world. They have already formulated an independent set of scientific, precise location selecting method and system. These methods not only make a quantified analsis of such factors as the surrounding property facilities, traffic conditions, population density, population structure, and purchasing power of the target city and the target commercial network, based on which they also analyze the business circle qualitatively, reckon the opeating costs and forcast the future profitability. Therefore, the location selecting methods of these successful companies provide a great help to creat appropriate location selecting method of Keno for us. The paper put forward a novel lacation selecting mehod for lottery outlets,named multi-layers outlets selecting method using Google Earth. The method increases more factors (such as the commercial land value, residential distribution,and the commercial network pattern) based on the original graphic method, which can be directly displayed by 3-D technology. This is the first innovation of this article. Moreover, due to the free use the Google Earth, the cost is low, it can significantly reduce the on-site investigation costs in the process of selecting sites. This is the second innovation of this paper. At the same time, because of the open access and data sharing property of Googl Earth, combined with the GPS positioning technology, the method makes it possible to have a direct understanding of the remote location selecting process. This is the third innovation of this article.To improve the operability of the loction selecting method, Jilin is choosen as the test area. In order to have a clear understanding of the target area and surrounding properties of the commercial networks, traffic conditions, population density, population structure, consumer purchasing power and other factors, the paper makes a survey faced to lottery salesmen, buyers and ordinary public by questonnaires, telephone interviews and other survey forms. And the final sites selecting programme is formulated based on the analysis and summary of those factors. The paper also verifies the feasibility of the location selecting method by comparing and analyzing the sales situation, the type of the commercial circle, the traffic conditions and other factors.The paper aims to make the establishment of Keno outlets more scientific by studying the issue of Keno network location, so that the market potential of lotteries can be fully tapped, the lottery market structure be further optimized, and the lottery issuing process be ulteriorly improved. At the same time, the Keno location selecting method can also provide some reference for the location selecting of other kind of lottery.
Keywords/Search Tags:KENO, Lottery outlets, outlets selecting, outlets model
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