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The Research On Responsibility Of Government In Employment Rights Security Of Migrant Workers

Posted on:2010-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360278977487Subject:Social Security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The migrant workers, after China's reform and opening-up, are forming a large labor force, accompanied with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization. They have special identity, both peasants and works, belonging to both city and rural area, and they are gradually transforming to non-agricultural industries and city. Due to the effect of elimination of the urban-rural dual structure and the own inner quality of migrant workers, their employment in city is encountering much unfair treatment. By the financial crisis, unemployment situation of China's migrant workers is serious now. And this situation add more pressure to the vulnerable group. Employment is the people's livelihood. Many migrant workers'life will be in troubled if employment problem can not be resolved. The author believes that, for the migrant workers, employment rights are base of economic, political, and other rights. The missing of migrant workers employment rights will be a"bottleneck"which restrict the process of urbanization and urban-rural co-ordinate development. The establishment and improvement of the employment rights of migrant workers'protection system is of great significance.For the protection of migrant workers employment rights, the whole society has an inescapable responsibility. However, the government should play a leading role. The government, as the symbol of state power, should constantly strengthen the duty to citizens and society, especially the responsibility to protect vulnerable groups, in order to make a scientific decision to protect the employment rights of migrant workers. On this issue, the government has a full range of responsibility, including not only the work of the government's own duty, that is, to improve the related systems and policies of migrant workers'employment protection, and strengthen labor law enforcement and policy implementation to make sure related labor law implement, but also the govement's guide duty to the social supporting system, and also the cultivation of migrant workers'sense of responsibility. A protection network for the employment of migrant workers should be made to improve emloyment rights of migrant workers, through the joint efforts of the government, society and migrant workers.
Keywords/Search Tags:migrant workers, employment rights, security, responsibility of government
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