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Research Of Marketing Strategy Of DIMENGSHATextile Products

Posted on:2010-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360278966244Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because of the financial crisis and the rapid shrinkage of foreign trade market, foreign trade enterprises are being shifted to domestic market, which brings an increase of domestic market competition. The chain reaction leads to an adverse market conditions change. However, the survival of textile enterprises is affected seriously because the textile industry has a shorter rise time and many enterprises just started. The textile enterprises can survive only by seeking opportunities in crisis and seeking a breakthrough in the domestic market. This paper conducts an in-depth study about the issue of how to open up Beijing market.This paper proposes the marking strategy that DIMENGSHA should take in Beijing market by analyzing the development of the whole home textiles market and retail business in Beijing ,the operations of DIMENGSHA,the current status quo in this market, and its sales, market competitiveness as well. Furthermore, this paper further elaborates the marketing strategy with 4Ps marketing mix theory.This paper is divided into the following sections: Chapter one introduces the research background, purpose, relative definitions, research status and the innovations of this paper.Chapter two analyses the marketing environment of DIMENGSHA from the perspective of macro-and micro. Chapter three brings up the corresponding marketing strategy program for the actual situation of DIMENGSHA. Chapter four brings up the management mechanism ideas and practices by researching the program. Chapter five makes a summary and prediction about this issue.
Keywords/Search Tags:DIMENGSHA, Marketing Environment, Marketing Strategy, Performance, Control
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