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Analysis Of Remaining Salt Policy In The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2010-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275990930Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Before the rising of Modern Industry and Commerce,salt played an important role in the economy;in this circumstance,the importance of research on the salt industry in past dynasties goes without saying.Base on collecting and coordinating historic data about remaining salt,this text objects on salt field in Huaihe River,tries to have a comprehensive research on the evolution of Remaining Salt Policies in Huaihe River in Ming Dynasty,hoping that my crude remarks may draw forth by abler people,to pay more attention on this subject.The text started with the basic status of the salt field in Huaihe River in Ming Dynasty,including the weightily status of Huaihe salt field in all state owned salt areas and the specific circumstance of setting up of salt organization and salt individuals etc.Besides,the text also makes a brief introduction on the function of salt transportation,which mainly consisted of Kaizhong method(a system the Ming dynastic encouraged the salt merchandisers to transport foodstuffs to the frontier fortress,in return of a kind of salt receipt,so that given the exclusive rights of salt business to the merchandisers).Base on knowledge of the salt fields and the function status of salt policy in Huaihe River,the text further explored on the Remaining Salt Policy.Body part of this text analyzes on the evolution process of Remaining Salt Policy in Ming dynastic. According to historic data,we divided Remaining Salt Policy in the Ming dynastic into 3 periods,including the government merchandize period,merchandiser's period and government and merchandiser united period.Meanwhile,the text also have specific introduction on the pushing time,function status of those policies,strong and weak points of the policies,the remedy measures by the government and how those policy elevated different periods.At length,the text comments on the evolution of salt policies in Huaihe River from both the political and economical areas.Firstly,the official governess was very severe in prophase of Ming dynastic,but the later period,the governess turned to be loose by and by,this change also affected the evolution of Remaining Salt Policy. Secondly,the salt evolution policy in Ming dynasty also reflects the economic policies in Ming government,that is drain the pond to get all the fish.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, area in Huaihe River, Remaining Salt, Policy
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