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BP Petro China Petroleum Limited Company To Operate The Management Pattern Analysis

Posted on:2010-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B K DanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272498826Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's accession to the WTO and in the refined oil retail business in a multi-polar pattern of the new competitive situation, as a result of the increasing homogeneity of petroleum products, and consumers increasingly demand personalized, diversified, rich, and critical and rational, the market become increasingly brutal competition, continue to rely on traditional business thinking and mode of operation, management model to achieve long-term development of enterprises, more and more I am afraid it will not be effective.Enterprise business model is undergoing a qualitative change - from "product is the source of profits", "management is selling their products for" today "is to provide management product platform", "management is the main source of profit," changes in enterprises in their efforts to explore the essence of management. How to carry out the "Management" has been increasingly concerned about how to achieve continuous business "management innovation", to learn from the advanced experience of industry practices, to enhance their competitive strength of management is no longer talking about martial arts, but a true live shots of the revolution.In 2008, the Mainland has been in addition to oil, Sinopec, CNOOC three outside the main channel, due to the continued decline in international oil prices, local refineries to increase processing load quickly, back to serious coastal smuggling oil, a number of operating units of social resources, the operating means and strategic flexibility to seize significant market share price advantage. Competition in the market of oil products from the trend for customers to compete for resources, the pattern has been a seller's market does not exist, the characteristics of a buyer's market gradually emerged, the main market in the brand, service, quality, price competition will be fierce. In this paper, refined oil retail enterprises as the research object, the main use of analysis methods to compare the multinational oil companies of oil and characteristics of the retail model. In the case analysis, to oil company BP as an example, to analyze its mode of operation and management, mainly from the organizational structure, performance management, staff development and training, the corporate culture in four areas, reading from a different perspective BP Petroleum mode of operation and management through the use of induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis methods, the "performance-oriented, giving priority to efficiency, the program first, pay attention to the implementation of" is a BP oil content of the management model. In summing up the results based on the case on the basis of more focused on domestic refined oil retailing enterprise management mode of thinking, the use of forward-looking reasoning Refined oil Sales on how to strengthen internal management of the construction of gas stations put forward specific ideas and strategies to In this paper, the results of research on oil sales to the retail business to contribute to the management of the building.
Keywords/Search Tags:BPPC, OPS Management, Gas Station Management
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