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Study On The Mode Of Securities Business For China's Commercial Bank

Posted on:2009-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z ChengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Commercial banks conducting securities business is the same financial institutions through the integration of resources, operating securities business while operating commercial banking, and make full use of financial resources to effectively improve their competitiveness and innovation capabilities. In the international situation of financial integration and liberalization, mixed operation system to replace divided operation system has become a trend of the times. In such a trend, the divided operation and management of China's financial industry has become increasingly obvious shortcomings. WTO transition period has ended, the international financial giant who use mixed operation system will speed up the space to open up China's financial market, we must active integrate the securities business and innovate to enhance competitiveness while solid the tradition business of storage, loan and remittances. In the conditions of incomplete external environment, what mode can used to develop the mixed operation is a currently facing major problem.The study is composed of those as follows: The first part is introduction, including the background and significance of the research, the definition of research areas, literature review from domestic to international, ideas and frameworks, defects and innovation of studying. The second part is theoretical basis about commercial banks operating in the securities business, which expounded the theory of special assets, the scope of economic theory; constraints caused Hypothesis to provide a theoretical basis for the commercial banks conducting securities business. The third part is a system comparative analysis for the main mode of practice and specific experience of foreign commercial in banks operating securities business, which pave the way for the next passages. Part IV is a comprehensive analysis of China's commercial banks operating in the securities business, including historical process, practical significance, and SWOT analysis of the pros and cons and existing models. Part V proposes an appropriate business model and product development strategy of China's commercial banks operating in the securities business, which based on the above discussion. Part VI is the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial bank, Securities business, Financial holding company
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