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Effect And Countermeasure Analysis Of CETDZ Attracting FDI

Posted on:2008-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242959948Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Seven Changchun 10th CPC Central Committee and the Municipal Government's "11th Five-Year" plan proposed, in accordance with the "technological innovation, industrial clustering and intensive development of radiation-led" ideas, the comprehensive development zone into a modern industrial zone and a new city. Changchun Economic and Technological Development Zone(CETDZ) in the city of positioning, and the framework of the development goals, developing their own blueprint for the development, adhere to the project construction as the center, to attract foreign investment as the key economic targets. To achieve this the work of the established goals, we need the help of foreign capital to become an important force.Foreign direct investment(FDI) refers to investors in the country other than the country or region for business investment and investment in production and management methods. Multinational companies direct investment to China for two categories usually considered: first, bypass trade barriers, the occupation of our market; second, for the sake of our country's rich natural resources and cheap human resources.Looking back on history, China's absorption of foreign investment in general has gone through three phases: 1979—1985 is the initial stage, the stage of the notable characteristic is that the structure of a single source of funding, the amount of small, low technology content projects; 1986—1991 for the development stage, the stage of the foreign investment scale and technological level has gradually increased and investment began showing a source of diversification; 1992 so far is the third stage, FDI has entered a period of rapid growth, but also entered a period of adjustment. Every stage in attracting FDI focus on are different under the new situation, we clearly recognize that FDI in our region's economic growth has been positive effect, but it also brought some negative effect, therefore, to resolve to attract FDI negative effect of issues that must be inquiry study resolved.The thesis includes the following five chapters:In the first chapter,an overall review is given on the development of China's absorption of FDI, the concept of FDI and the development process of state-level economic and technological development zone. A further analysis is carried out on the development and the significance of CETDZ attracting FDI , which has setup the objectives of this research.Chapter II on the CETDZ showing FDI's new features, namely the relative concentration of investment in industry, business activities localization trend Obviously, the investment holding and tended to be owned, as well as "domestic-foreign-domestic" foreign investment structure.Chapter III on the negative effect of CETDZ attracting FDI, as a result of transfer prices, technical control, market monopolies and other means, as well as because of the environmental standards and backward unreasonable super-national treatment and other reasons, FDI in our region's economic development have a certain negative impact, and this impact was primarily reflected in lower economic efficiency and economic security, and other hazards, and in-depth analysis of FDI generated by the negative impact of:I. CETDZ as state-level economic and technological development zones for foreign-invested enterprises maximize the benefits and unreasonable super-national treatment to foreign-invested enterprises than in the actual tax-funded enterprises will be much lower, management enjoys greater autonomy, in foreign exchange receipts and payments and import and export operations they have more flexible policies, the long-term concessions to foreign investors will inevitably cause internal funding "squeezed out" effect.II. FDI in our region's technology overflow exists in many ways, and we attract FDI traditional strategies and policies, the source of FDI, FDI investment enclaves of the phenomenon, information mechanisms, and the investment environment, and other factors that will have a spillover effect of FDI technology significantly affected.III. Investment by transnational corporations is an important tendency pollution industries and enterprises will transfer, FDI in pollution-oriented enterprises and the industrialization of hazardous technology and equipment transfer, the ecological environment in our region produced a certain negative impact.IV. CETDZ on the actual situation of dependence on foreign trade, respectively analyse seven indicators including the dependence of production, investment dependence, and dependence on science and technology, resource dependency, financial dependence and tax dependence, research the knock-on effects of economic autonomy and national security on FDI.V. Relative to domestic investors, FDI's purposes are more clearly, conditions are better, FDI in the industrial structure, the non-equilibrium distribution of a direct bearing on the state of domestic investment structure is reasonable.VI. Our enterprises and institutions in the assessment mechanism, incentive mechanism with regard to employment mechanisms and deficiencies led to a brain drain. Chapter IV of the CETDZ with the actual situation, a detailed study on specific recommendations and measures to reduce and avoid the negative effects of FDI:I. Phase out FDI in the non-national treatment, unity the foreign-funded enterprises income tax, the abolition of tax incentives for foreign investment, develop an anti-monopoly law.II. Implement independent innovation as the starting point of technological development strategy to enhance the value of FDI to take "pressure" and "Gravity" common role of the measures to promote FDI technology to leak out, play the government's strategic direction, coordination role to encourage and attract multinational companies to set up manufacturing base , R & D base, supporting base, service outsourcing bases, training bases, and promote the establishment of a more open system of independent innovation.III. Digest FDI pollution transfer, further adjust the field of FDI-oriented industries, construct a resource-saving and environment-friendly CETDZ, and strictly limit those pollutants onto the effect of foreign-invested enterprises into the area.IV. Realize the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, the key is to improve and optimize the industrial structure upgrading, it is necessary to "industrial upgrading" and "technology upgrades" close connections to accelerate labor-intensive industries to capital-intensive and technology-intensive industries escalating pace.V. Implement environmental innovation strategy, and constantly improve the investment environment, create CETDZ core competitiveness, create environmental advantages. Chapter V is the transcript summary, the paper described the main work.In short, although FDI in CETDZ industrial structure, environmental protection, sustainable development and economic security, and other areas have had a negative impact on many, but foreign capital for a regional economic development of the overall positive role should be reaffirmed. We need to be concerned about is how positive, effective and rational use of foreign funds, rather than to not use foreign capital, through CETDZ absorbing FDI and the negative effect of depth and meticulous research, identify problems, find out the reasons, and the corresponding countermeasures, take timely measures to resolve, promoted CETDZ use of foreign capital from "quantity" to "quality" fundamental transformation of the use of foreign capital to make up for funds from the focus of the Exchange inadequate to effectively introduce advanced technology, management experience and high-quality human resources, pay more attention to ecological construction, environmental protection, energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources To make use of foreign capital and upgrade the industrial structure and technological level so as to further consolidate and play and create CETDZ comparative advantages, implementation of mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening up, for CETDZ "second pioneering" contribute to the promotion of sustainable development through open areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Countermeasure
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