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The Research On Strategies Of Utilizing FDI To Promote Industry Structure Regulation In Sichuan

Posted on:2008-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215955384Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Industry structure refers to the components and proportion of various industries, the latter of which varies according to different development stages in different areas and its contribution to economic growth is also diverse. As resources are limited, how can different regions sift out the leading industries and attract FDI for the development of them? Those fall into the scope of this paper. This paper consists of five parts as follows:Introduction puts forward the major points of view in this paper, that is, FDI plays a far more significant role among the factors which promote the regulation of regional industry structure.Chapter 1 is made up of literature review. It looks back on all those domestic and foreign theories concerning FDI and the regulation and upgrading of industry structure in host countries. They analyze the effect on industry structure caused by FDI from different perspectives.Chapter 2 approaches the industry structure in Sichuan province and its regulatory direction. On the basis of a general description about the industry structure in Sichuan province, this part makes a quantitative analysis and sifts out such leading industries in Sichuan province as chemistry, pharmaceutics, electricity, transportation, manufacture, electronics, tourism and food processing.Chapter 3 is concerned with FDI and the regulation of industry structure in Sichuan province. It begins with a description about FDI and then analyzes the relationship between the utilization of FDI and three regulations of industry structure in Sichuan province. It concludes with the impact on adjustment of industry structure caused by FDI.Chapter 4 is composed of the strategy on how to attract FDI so as to adjust industry structure. It is very crucial for Sichuan province to direct FDI towards the above mentioned industries if ever it tries to promote regional industry structure regulation by drawing on FDI in a rational way. Further, this chapter makes a detailed description about the concrete measures to attract FDI for those industries.In all, the principal view of this paper is that the key of the regulation of industry structure in Sichuan province lies in deciding on regional leading industries and subsequently takes relative measures to guide FDI toward those industries with a view to their full development.This paper is original in the following aspects:Firstly, the author singles out Sichuan province for research and analyzes the relationship between FDI and the regulation of industry structure.Secondly, this paper sifts out the leading industries in Sichuan province through combining qualitative and quantitative ways and in view of the actual situation in the province.Thirdly, in addition to summarizing the general measures to attract foreign capital, this paper comes up with specific suggestions about drawing foreign capital for the leading industries in Sichuan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industry structure regulation, FDI, Sichuan, Leading industries, Countermeasures
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