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Hangzhou E-Commerce Development Stratery Research

Posted on:2011-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Through nearly a decade of rapid development, China's e-commerce has entered a stable period of development, with the rapid development of macroeconomic and e-commerce to improve the external environment, more and more enterprises to enter into the area of electronic commerce. Increasing emphasis on enterprise e-commerce on business operations and management of the impact of e-commerce applications, development strategy has become the social hot spot.From the enterprise perspective, the global e-commerce companies have recognized the practical value, it can to improve the raw material purchasing channels, expand product marketing channels, real-time customer information management reflects the multiple economic benefits, thereby affecting businesses operating speed, lower operating costs, and even about business decisions. These are based on enterprise information into a leading, by improving their internal information, while the effective establishment of external information-based framework for implementation. In this article, the author through a survey company in Hangzhou, mainly from the point of starting the construction of enterprise information, access to first-line material, Hangzhou, e-commerce for the conduct of the status quo would have a very real judgments.From the government perspective, how to help at the exploratory stage, "e-commerce" and the combination of the local economy will be "concept" into real GDP; how to guide enterprises to implement e-commerce, improve enterprise's comprehensive competitiveness, integration of the environment. In this article, the author will be in Hangzhou and Beijing, Shanghai and other cities from different angles for comparison. And then tap the potential of e-commerce in Hangzhou, characteristic for the formation of e-commerce development with the road to make a comparative analysis.Integrated e-commerce business and government expectations, this paper SWOT analysis, a comprehensive analysis of e-commerce development in Hangzhou, the government should play the full support of e-commerce development, rich resources of third- party e-commerce platform, a leading national broadband metropolitan area network- building, education advantages such as personnel and technical resources; to overcome the uneven development of the industry e-commerce, e-commerce applications are not deep enough, the slow pace of international e-commerce, e-commerce system and the lack of statistical indicators of disadvantage; to seize e-commerce development environment in the continuous optimization of the environment, mining the vast popularity of e-commerce space, mobile e-commerce opportunities for hot spots; effectively improved or circumvent the urban environment causes such as increased cost of doing business, network transactions, ongoing risks, e-commerce law is not perfect, cross-sectoral and regional e-commerce regulation problem. This article focuses on the next phase of Hangzhou made around the development of electronic commerce strategies, ranging from the height of the guiding ideology settled and put forward strategic focus, a series of specific strategies. Finally, this paper conducted a study concluded that the deficiencies of the current research and expectation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hangzhou, E-Commerce, Strategy
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