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Knowledge Management 2.0 Application Research In Siemens

Posted on:2012-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335465606Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the result of the big bang of knowledge, traditional Industrial Economy is being renovated to burgeoning Knowledge Economy. Competitive pressure is causing all corporations in great request of large amount of knowledge. But meanwhile most of the corporations still don't have the ability to manage unexpected challenges from Knowledge Economy. A research on development countries shows that more than 72 percent of the supervisors admit that knowledge of the corporations is not reused after it has been created. And more than 88 percent of employees are not obtaining much benefit from accumulated experience or fail to get to best practices. Although more and more corporations are starting to realize that knowledge is extremely prosperous, they still don't have strict and effective measures to transfer vast knowledge into competitive power. Lots of decision makers of corporations still have difficulty to transfer scattered knowledge into systemic knowledge. So corporation can't sum up personal knowledge to knowledge owned by the whole corporation. They also don't know what the most valuable knowledge is, how they can interfere knowledge sharing and how they can overcome these difficulties.Therefore, knowledge management is becoming more and more important in business management. Corporation has to release knowledge management and strengthen teamwork spirit to manage unexpected challenges from Knowledge Economy. Also corporation needs to combine owned knowledge, process, manpower with knowledge management. Knowledge management carries a big weight in business management and decision making process and it is now playing a very important role in the organization. Knowledge management should help organization to efficiently gain, accumulate, share and utilize knowledge. Meanwhile it should help organization to meet Knowledge Innovation. But as a matter of fact, during the ten years development of knowledge management in China, we are facing all kinds of problems caused by knowledge management. It is the critical mission for supervisors and researchers to solve the problems as soon as possible. At this critical moment, Web version 2.0 theory becomes growing like bamboo shoots after a spring shower. Web version 2.0 provide a new tool to help gain, share and create knowledge.Whole knowledge is the most important source of knowledge composition of knowledge management. The platform of knowledge management is used to transfer personal or composition knowledge. Currently there are many problems of knowledge management platform. Such as there is a lack of tacit knowledge development, the update of knowledge is very slow, the knowledge sharing is very limited and there is a lack of customer participation. The practice form of Web version 2.0 can help to solve the problems of knowledge management within organization.Under this social background, I am going to bring forward the model which is suitable to China Enterprise. Consider using the model of knowledge management version 2.0 into knowledge management can not only help to reduce he cost of usage, but also help to improve the effect of the system. It will definitely help to transfer the tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge. The paper is made up of five chapters which will be described in detail below:The first section is introduction. It briefly specifies the research background, research process, research process and structures. It also collects the summaries of knowledge management, the documentation of knowledge management and the current research status of knowledge management.The second section is knowledge management version 2.0. In this section the writer analyses the current problems of knowledge management and discusses whether it is possible to solve these problems by using Web version 2.0. As a result we get the concept of knowledge management version 2.0. This section is made up of three parts. The fist part is the history and problems of knowledge management. In this part the writer discusses the current knowledge management as well as the problems it has. The second part is Web version 2.0 and its practice. The writer discussed the characteristic and advantages of Web version 2.0. The third part is knowledge management version 2.0. In this part the writer make the definition of knowledge management system which is based on knowledge management version 2.0.The third section is the analysis of knowledge management version 2.0 used in Siemens information and service department. The writer uses this typical case to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the knowledge management version 2.0 in practical applications. This section is made up of four parts. The fist part is background introduction. It mainly discusses the current status and the achievement of knowledge management in Siemens. And it also contains the knowledge management process. The second part is the analysis of knowledge management structure in Siemens information and service department. The writer discusses the main function of the system, the system structure and the release process. The third part is the analysis of issues. The writer discusses the operation status of knowledge management in Siemens. The fourth part is the implementation sum-up. It mainly summarize the knowledge management system of Siemens information and service department.The fourth section is the assumption of the knowledge management 2.0 model for enterprise. It analysed the problems and cases mentioned before, combined the issues of knowledge management in Chinese enterprise and provided a knowledge management model which suits Chinese enterprise. This section is made up of three parts. The fist part is the current status of knowledge management. Summarize the experience of knowledge management of Chinese enterprise and also provide some further questions. The second part is the design of model. It provides an ideal model named knowledge management which is based on the three levels structure and combines with Web version 2.0 by using sharepoint. The third part is a summary of advantages and disadvantages of this model.The fifth section is epilogue. The writer briefly analysed the researches and make the conclusion. He also provides some disadvantages of the research and provides some suggestions for the reference of other investigator.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management System, Web 2.0, Knowledge Management 2.0
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