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Gansu Electric Power Company Information And Policies Of The Problem

Posted on:2011-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332967039Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Trends in the global economy of information technology background, from China Electric Power Enterprises meaning, content and the current development situation, in-depth analysis of this stage, Gansu Electric Power Company a problem for information, then propose solutions to this problem. So that governments and businesses work together to achieve the Anhui Electric Power Enterprises pace of construction and development.Gansu Power Company information, including marketing, production, scheduling, human resources, planning, service and other aspects content, and the actual management of the provincial power company information, the provincial power companies will integrate advanced management ideas and further application of information technology in management, and improving management efficiency and effectiveness. Management of information technology companies, in a sense means that the full information. It includes an internal management information and external communication and information technology companies.Currently, the state is vigorously promoting the economic and social information, the electricity market deepening reform urgently requires power companies to further promote the informatization construction. I have been to some of the power of enterprise research and development in information consulting work, are business leaders generally value the information technology work, developers, and business staff motivation is also high. Them:a certain scale of production automation, enterprise networks have been widely established, but the computer application system is too decentralized, the information can not be shared, the face of large and small "information island" I do not know how to integrate. According to our research and development experience, that should start from the standardization of information, through information resources planning and redevelopment of high-end data environment is the integration of existing applications and further improve the information Gansu Electric Power Company Construction of information the right way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electricity, information, issues, solutions
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