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Research On Beijing Capital Retail Operation & Management

Posted on:2012-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332498250Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As China's aviation industry is booming which is faced with people's increasing demand for services, airport functions have already been continuously improved. The airport not only serves as the waiting room for the visitors before boarding the plane, also it has become the business centre for visitors shopping, relaxation and entertainment. The formation and development of airport business centre brings significant benefits to the airport, also, to a great extent, it reduces the airport's heavy investment burden. As we know, with the airport's passengers growth at the airport, more and more people will consume the merchandises sold at the airport. As most of the consumers at the airport belong to high-level consumer groups, fully tapping the consumers'potentiality and enhancing the standard of the airport's services will impose a far-reaching and positive impact on the income of the airport. As a result, since some of the domestic airports localization reforms, the separation between management rights and operation rights and how to improve the efficiency of the airport have become the focus of the task of airports, while the commercial growth has become an important part in increasing the revenue of the airport. As China's airport retail trade is now in the early stage of development, there is an urgent need for the ideas and methods of airport business planning and management to maximize the commercial resources at the airport and enhance the airport's commercial earnings. In term of this topic, this article conducts the studies on the operation and management research of Beijing capital airport's retail trade, through the passenger changes of consumer psychology, combined with sophisticated retail management philosophy, put forward a five-point improvement measures:Rational allocation of resources, the proportion of non-freedom, rational planning of the layout of commercial resources and tourist circulation; Build and nurture professional business management team to develop awareness of the airport management business priority; Select the appropriate resources for the business and market operation; Demand-oriented visitors to the marketing idea as the guiding ideology, the development plan and layout of the retail category; Establish an objective resource assessments and store performance evaluation system. Through this study, I hope to provide commercial management to enhance the idea to other airports...
Keywords/Search Tags:airport, retail, operation and management
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