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Research On Legal Issues Of Groundwater Antipollution In China

Posted on:2015-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330467968120Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the process of industrialization accelerating and rapiddevelopment of economy, the problems about the excessive exploitation andpollution of groundwater are increasingly serious, while the problem of waterquality-induced water shortage resulted from groundwater pollution makes ourcountry facing a great water crisis. Therefore, the most urgent measure needed to betaken for our country is to strengthen groundwater pollution control and prevention.As far as the present situation of groundwater pollution control in our country isconcerned, the legal system of groundwater pollution control in our country is formedinitially which is based on Water Law of the People’s Republic of China and Law ofthe People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution andcombined with some administrative regulations and local regulations. However, thislegal system is still far from perfect. With the formulation and implementation ofNational Groundwater Pollution Prevention Plan (2011--2020), it marks that theprevention and control work of groundwater pollution has been raised to a new levelin our country. Under the instruction of “the Plan”, this thesis takes exploration andstudy on the legal problems of prevention and control work of groundwater pollution,which hopes to be beneficial to the prevention and control work of groundwaterpollution in our country. The thesis can be divided into four parts:First part is the content of the forewords. In this part, the author elaborates thepurpose of the study on the groundwater antipollution, review of the literature, thesignificance of the study and the innovation points, and introduces the source, purpose,significance and thinking of the thesis.In the second part, firstly, the author defines some related concepts; secondly, theauthor analyzes the specific characteristics of groundwater antipollution and analyzesthe present situation of groundwater antipollution deeply in our country pointing atthese specific characteristic; thirdly, the author elaborates the great practicalsignificance of strengthening prevention and control work of groundwater pollutionbased on the present situation, which lays the groundwork for the later research in thethesis.In the third part, the author analyzes the legal problems in the groundwaterantipollution in our country. Firstly, the author analyzes the problems existed in the prevention system beforehand and treatment measures afterwards about thegroundwater antipollution; secondly, the author analyzes comprehensively theproblems that existed in the formulation and application of legal responsibility for thepeople who needed to be pursued legal responsibility in the process of groundwaterantipollution; thirdly, the author elaborates the related supervisory measures andanalyzes comprehensively the problems in the whole process of groundwaterantipollution and puts forwards the directions and the solutions.In the fourth part, the author gives his legal measures to the legal problemswhich have been analyzed in the second part based on introducing foreign relatedexperience. Firstly, we need to implement the principle of prevention first andcomplete precautionary system of groundwater antipollution. Secondly, we shouldcomplete the dynamic supervision system of law enforcement and perfect the legalmeasures of management of groundwater pollution. Thirdly, we should strengthen theoverall legal responsibility of groundwater antipollution and improve the legaldeterrence. Lastly, we need to pay our attention to the rights of the public andimprove oversight capacity of groundwater pollution prevention.
Keywords/Search Tags:groundwater, pollution prevention, public participation, preventive
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