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Study On Engels’ Ecological Thoughts

Posted on:2015-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330431989483Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee made it clear that China wants to build a socialist ecological civilization. CCP eighteen is made to promote the construction of ecological civilization, a comprehensive strategic plan, the construction of ecological civilization in a prominent position in the construction of ecological civilization into the "five in one" overall layout, the construction of ecological civilization as a basic national policy. Increasingly serious ecological pollution has become a global problem. Imperative that we should re-examine the relationship between man and nature, from the ideological level, the system level to find solutions to the ecological crisis. Therefore, ecological thinking and Engels were once again the dig, find out the ideological essence of the construction of ecological civilization, to achieve a harmonious socialist society has important theoretical and practical value. The article Engels several important books were reviewed, investigated Engels rich ecological thinking. Engels argued that the nature of the ecological crisis is the alienation of human relations, and only change the entire capitalist system and the mode of production, the realization of communism, in order to ultimately achieve harmony between man and nature.The article is divided into three parts, the first part describes the theoretical background and the origins of ecological thinking Engels produced. The19th century, European capitalist countries have carried out the industrial revolution, to achieve a productivity revolution, mechanical industrialization greatly improve human capacity to make human beings created unprecedented wealth, but at the same time to the survival of the human environment has brought great destruction, pervasive air pollution, water pollution, workers’living conditions extremely tragic, is full of expired food, dirty living environment. The second part describes the main contents and characteristics of Engels ecological thought. Engels worried about the survival of the human condition through a detailed study of human living environment, pointing out the nature of environmental pollution, raised only change the entire capitalist system is the fundamental way to solve environmental problems. Perspective study of human nature and the relationship between Engels and Marx differ from ontological dimension Engels dialectical relationship between man and nature argument, he investigated the natural history of the development of nature itself, from the height of the natural sciences of philosophy was summed up the results of the latest research discusses various fields between the interconnected nature, evolving dialectical relationship. In order to demonstrate the relationship between man and nature is affected by mobility initiative and the unity of nature is the cornerstone of human survival and development. The main features of Engels ecological thinking is holistic, practical, harmony, which is Engels thinking holistic perspective of ecological problems, methods, practices Engels elaborated foothold ecological thinking, harmony is the essence of Engels ecological thought. The third part of the contemporary ecological thinking Engels clarify the value of the theoretical and practical value from two aspects. Theoretical value lies in the correct relationship between man and nature study provides a methodology. Practical value for all mankind to solve the ecological crisis that clear direction is the theoretical basis of ecological civilization construction, as we build a harmonious socialist society provides a guiding ideology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Engels, Ecological Thought, Ecological Crisis, Construction ofecological civilization
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