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Analysis Of The Problems And Integation Of The Innovation On The Country Public Service In Current

Posted on:2007-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2179360182989763Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The proposal about the eleventh five-year programming on national economy and social development provided by the Central Committee of the CPC passing in the fifth of the sixteenth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the CPC explain the intension of new countryside. It mean development of production, plenty of life, civilization of countryside's atmosphere, neat appearance of a village and democracy of administration. Biulding new country is closely related by the country public service supplying. The country public service is inseparable to realize and boost social stable development, which is stipulated and controlled by government and are mainly consisted of social service represent by non-product like forms, fund, information and technologies provided by government or non-government public organizations, for example the service on agriculture science and technology propolizing, the service on country basic education, the service on country medical health and so as. The success of new country building is closely related by the perfect country public service system. However, our current country public service system is not perfect and should be improved further.This article regards new public service theory as theory in innovating the country public service system and applies the research method of theory analysis combining experienced analysis. It looks on public product supplying theory as analytical means and summarizes the problem and the reason of the country public service based on the classify description about the current situation of country public service through collection of a large number of data. Then it advance the government should build new operating mechanism of country public service. There are a few problems such as the total investment insufficient, the productivity of funds applying low, the contracture of supplying and requiring inbalance, the distribution between city and country irrational and so as. Which mainly reasons are several styles, such as all of different levels official are defective in ideological understanding, different levels governments are irrational in the investment mechanism and defective in decision-making mechanism of public service supplying, government's legal system is defective? What counts is to build operating mechanism of public service which fully embody the wishes of the peasants and take account into both productivity and justice if we will change the difficult position of country public service. This mechanism regards peasants-consumers participate in decision-making and producing process, the governments are programmer and arranger, the departments of governments, market organization and the cooperative organization all can become producers. The above three characters form a close return circuit. Involvement of the peasants and separation of government powers are prerequisite of...
Keywords/Search Tags:public service, the country public service, innovation of system
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