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Research And Implementation Of P2P File-sharing System Based On LAN

Posted on:2011-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360308971032Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology,many kinds of local area network which can access to the Internet were set up. Along with the development and generalization of the Internet in the world,the number of the Internet customer and the amount of network data has increased sharply,the server of the main C/S mode of the current network burdens more and more heavily.Therefore,a kind of P2P network calculation mode which based on no center becomes a hot spot of current research.So the P2P File-sharing technique becomes one of the most important research problems among them undoubtedly.Usually,people download the files which they need from Internet,but downloading file from Internet cost people much time and money because of the low transmission rate. In fact,there exits a huge number of file resource in the LAN. But without a unified sharing platform, can put these resources organized to provide uniform LAN users. This paper design a LAN File Sharing System Based on P2P to resolve this problem. Based on the analysis of the development status of the current P2P network technology and realization mode of current P2P File-sharing program,design a kind of design and realization on JXTA platform for a P2P file-sharing LAN. In the following, there are several studies presented in this paper.1) The paper expounded on the theoretical study on P2P programming and the JXTA technology,including P2P's definitions,classifications,structure,future and JXTA's objectives,virtual network,hierarchy,security,protocol,APIs and so on. I also explained the design and some codes of JXTA.NET Framework realization based on these theoreties and JXTA open source project.The design is mainly about the logical framework,peer&peer group classes,peer discovery APIs,security service and so on.2) How to search the resources in the P2P networks efficiently is the key problem when the P2P networks are developed, Unstructured peer-to-peer networks usually use broadcasting as its basic search strategy and cause a larger network flows and blindness. Ant colony optimization (ACO) in artificial intelligence is introduced, This mechanism directs the query routing effectively according to the diversity and the positive feedback principle of the ant pheromone. In the way the peer reduced the blind search..Simulation results show that the new algorithm reduces the network traffic and blindness greatly and improves the searching Success ratio.
Keywords/Search Tags:P2P, JXTA, Peers, ant colony optimization algorithms, File sharing
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