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Design And Realization Of On-Line Course Choosing System Based On ASP

Posted on:2011-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360308961240Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Quality education is the major principle hold by most schools. How to stimulate the students'active learning behaviors is the key problem. Transform the passive educating pattern into the guidance educating pattern is the main method taken by most schools. Letting students to actively choosing courses is one of the innovative measures taken by the relative educating departments. This measure can effectively enhance the teaching performance while increase the students'learning interests.There are 3 major reasons make the online course choosing feasible:(1) Today, E-learning is one of the most pervasive learning models, (2) students can easily fulfill course choosing through online systems, and (3) integrating educating resources, make it more transparent.Based on the background analyzed before, this article is the electronic implements of this measure based on ASP techniques. The demo system can help relative educating department to fulfill their electronic management. This paper introduced the theory basics of this demo system. This system designed for students, teachers, and management operators. Provide users with the web based course choosing, public information querying, personal information modification and management functions. The frontier side of this demo system is implemented by ASP technique, while the background database is Access. IIS 5.0 is used to construct the server. This demo implements the dynamic web pages required by the users.This demo system basically implements the electronic applications of the active course choosing, it can actually applied in the schools since its web based characteristics. The testing part of this paper proved its feasibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:On-line Courses Choosing, Database, ASP
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