Biometrics comprises methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon oneor more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. As a thriving technology, Biometricshas already been applied to every facets of human lives. While enjoying theconvenience Biometrics brings to us, we have for a long time recognized Biometrics astandard technology for access control and human identification. Fingerprintverification is a branch of bio-identification. It has many advantages such as highreliability, high feasibility and low operating cost. Since the tech has a very goodprospect, research work regarding it is now quite active.In this article, we proposed a new AFIS for work attendance based onbio-character identification to replace the traditional hand-based system. This systemhas to a good extent improved the effectiveness of checking work attendance and isvery reliable.The system is design for a user group of approximately 50 persons. First, wehave adopted the capacitance conductive device to catch a clear fingerprint image of128dpi. The we use various image processing algorithms like edge detection andthinning to process the caught image in the first step. Last, we have applied thematching algorithm to verify the authenticity of the caught fingerprint image -- that isto say, weather our database has already stores the information of the personcontributing the fingerprint image.The hardware of our system is designed using hardware description language.The RTL code was synthesized by Synplify Pro software and was simulated usingModelSim software. We used the Altera DE2 Development and Education Board torun the system and watched the processing result of related modules through the VGAoutput.This work attendance checking system occupies very limited resources and has avery high clock frequency. It can largely satisfy the need of a business group orcommunity of relatively small size.. |