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Research Of Embeded Internet Monitoring System On IF Power

Posted on:2011-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360305961158Subject:Electromagnetic levitation and superconductivity works
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of remote monitoring system and the gradual application of IF power, the traditional control methods can not meet the monitoring system for real-time and reliability requirements. Remote monitoring technology and The embedded Internet provides a new solution for remote monitoring of IF power and makes the system networked and intelligent.Started from the remote monitoring technology and specific application of IF power, paper briefly reviews the necessity and advantage of remote monitoring used in power supply system; and then, after analyzing today's popular embedded operating system, TCP/IP protocol stack, Internet access solutions and remote monitoring mode, paper combine the embedded technology and computer networks technology to construct a remote monitoring system of stable performance and strong capacity, and integrated on-site monitoring LCM. System based 32-bit ARM microprocessor system LPC2292 board as the hardware platform, uses real-time preemption kernelμC/OS-Ⅱfor the operating system, embedded gateway access method, and browser/server mode to the realize the embedded monitoring system.First, design completes monitoring system hardware design, develop the ARM board; Secondly, through the configuration of the embedded coreμC/OS-Ⅱand its transplant function modification, complete the transplant it in LCP2292, and verified kernel transplantation validity by a simple test; again, based on the operating system, article program with TCP/IP protocol stack LwIP transplant, network card RTL8019 driver, and HTTP, CGI, to complete the system of remote interactive features; finally, complete programs of the various functions such as fault diagnosis, serial communications, interaction of LCM and so on. Through all function points tested of remote monitor, LCM interaction, real-time system is fully capable of rapid, stable and reliable to achieve mission requirements.Design is managed by embedded task, and all of them are relatively independent and enhance the system's robustness and flexibility, are propitious to system maintenance and upgrades; combination of Internet and LCM monitor, the user can flexibly choose a control method, and improve the monitoring system scope.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet, μC/OS-Ⅱ, LwIP, monitoring of IF power
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