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Design And Implementation Of The Dormitory Management System With Simple Early-warning Function

Posted on:2011-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360305450267Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the society and the expansion of college education, the number of college students and domitory crimes continues to increase. The traditional way of domitory management through manual recording of the information about the sanitation rating, students returning late, and strangers, has been far from enough to meet the requirements of the reality. The appearance of college dormitory management system has made the information recording problem resolved. So the system has become an essential part in college student management. College dormitory management system not only helps to get rid of the inefficiency in the traditional way of recording information on paper, but provides convinience to the information management and query through digital information management. Besides, the software database has the advantage of large storage, great stability, long-time saving, and easy backup, which helps to avoid the damage and loss of the paper information. But generally speaking, the functions of the domitory management system are comparatively few, including the recording of dormitory allocation and accommodation information. It does little to the domitory security problems. The domitory management system with simple early warning function, combined with access control systmen, can provide early warnings of possible security cases by monitoring students'information. So it is a convinient, fast and efficient way of collge domitory management.The college domitory management system can be divided into ten modules:user management module, domitory management module, information query module, sanitation rating module, basic data module, domitory allocation management module, access management module, window module, access control and early warning module, and module management module. In the development of the software, its fitness to the flow of management work has been focused on. Different modules have different functions and they can be combined casually when necessary. So the system can be applied to a large field. When it comes to the developing approches, life cycle and prototyping are adopted. There are four developing periods, investigation, analysis, design and implementation. With the testing of the system, some points are analyzed, designed and implemented again. This thesis is put foward primarily from demand analysis, system design, system testing and application.
Keywords/Search Tags:Domitory Management System, Simple Early Warning Function, Infomationization, Modularization
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