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Our Newspaper News Review Research On The Characteristics Of Select Topics

Posted on:2010-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Newspapers news review can be divided into topics of the newspaper launched a broad institutional level and for the topics of the narrow topics of single works. As the newspaper's position among the different purposes of different, positioning and communication at different targets, Comment on the traditional topics of Party newspapers have a strong political and authoritative features, manifested in behalf of the Central and the Party committees at all levels to speak of the "mouthpiece" character; recently the "People's Daily," "People's Commentary" and "Guangzhou Daily", represented by opinion pages Party newspapers commented but also demonstrates special attention to the subject turned to the people's livelihood. Of "Nanfang Dushi Bao" and "Beijing News" as the representative of the diverse topics of the emerging metropolitan comment on distinctive characteristics, performance settings for the layout and column stratification with the author team's diversity.Comments from the news topics of the characteristics of the narrow terms, the event-based topics of the object is smaller than comment on the scope of the comments, these "edge incident and issued a" comment works in terms of going beyond the scope of its review comments on the object itself into a more Deep Thoughts and mining, so that the event-based topics of showing a general and public welfare features. Comments on topics of problem-based is greater than comment on the scope of the object, through the accumulation and reflection, and in many news and the facts or a common phenomenon in social life found in common, outstanding issues, and often on others "turn a blind eye" phenomenon found in the problem. So, for those set out principles and policies, analysis of social problems or social phenomena of the comments, because comments cover the object itself lacking a broad prospect, in order to better control the subject, often due to narrow the scope of the discussion. These two phenomena reflect a single newspaper articles comment on news topics of features.Chinese Newspaper Journalism Review developed in modern times, developed in the modern, flourishing in the contemporary, in newspaper editorials also presented topics of their own with different characteristics. "May 4th Movement" topics of preliminary comment on a breakthrough in the field is determined by Wang Tao, Liang Qichao civilian-led change; "54 times" comment on topics of the Enlightenment, color, reflected in the Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and others in the article; Revolution and War comments on topics of showing a "death or victory" a clear tone, Republic of the topics of the prosperity of the early Economic Review, has its time and policy reasons; the "Cultural Revolution" period comment on topics of the loss of law; reform and opening up during the expansion of the scope are also topics of is closely related with the background of the times.More typical of contemporary Chinese newspapers - "People's Daily", "China Youth Daily" and "Nanfang Dushi Bao" in the news topics of the respective comments reflect a "unity" feature, "Little Me" feature and the "public nature of "character. "People's Daily" and "unity" characteristics were as follows: the correct direction of public opinion and the "three close," unity, "close" is "oriented" foundation, "orientation" is "close" to the end-result; right on responsible for the unity of the next charge. The so-called "above" means the central government and the party, the state, the army comrades in charge, "below" refers to grass-roots and the majority of party members and the masses."China Youth Daily" commented topics of showing a "mini me" features, the so-called "mini me" from the perspective of many common composed of people look at social development approach. First, the "youth topic" reflects the purpose of rationality, tolerance, independent of the value judgments; Secondly, the opening sections have a "mini me" feature; Finally, the "youth topic" in a strategically advantageous position was not a grand narrative, but rather a trivial thing, with the thoughtful comments of self-color, or with a personal experience or the experience supported by the comments work."Nanfang Dushi Bao" commented after three revised adjusted to form the editorial page, and one on the version and edition of Focus on the topics of three relatively complete expression space, comment on its news topics of the "public nature" features are: the local newspaper expressed " national voice, "and point to topics of critical and pluralistic orientation. "Nanfang Dushi Bao" as the local newspaper, it's comments are without geographic restriction, national events, and even global events have become the object of its comments; "Nanfang Dushi Bao" and "a theory of" writing to intellectual groups Lord, who point out problems created a whole style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Newspapers, news reviews, Select topics, special
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