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Analysis And Design On The Base Station Project Management System

Posted on:2009-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360272976590Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the increasing number of China Mobile users, the relative needs of the users are increasing. Particularly in relation to communications signals in the increasing number of requests, only by increasing the number of base stations and intensity, so that the mobile signal coverage in line with the requirements of the region. However, the base of the building process is very complex and requires a lot of examination and approval process, so we set up the mobile base station construction project management control systems to make the base stations standardized and unified.Base Station project management control systems analysis and implementation adopt ICONIX software process. It is a tested and efficient, use-case driven UML object modeling, a efficient method of UML modeling, which strive to use a subset of UML to express the whole development process. Including needs analysis phase, analysis and preliminary design, design, to achieve iterative process. Each iteration cycle includes analysis, design, coding and testing process. Every time gets closer to the user's needs.ICONIX dynamic model includes use-case model, robust diagram, sequence diagram, static model contain domain model and class diagram. Throughout the software process, use case driven the advance of the entire dynamic model, and perfect the dynamic model drive the promotion of the static model, then programming code according to the model. ICONIX to promote building a domain model and use-case model at the beginning the project, use case model driven the entire dynamic model, and the domain model driven the entire static model, the dynamic model driven the perfect of the static model. Therefore, the whole system is use-cases driven directly or indirectly, it means that the software architecture and design scheme is according to analysis of the scene.Demand for software life cycle analysis is an important stage. Its main task is to set up to develop a model system, and the use case for the establishment of such a model is a good approach. Through the use case-driven modeling demand for in-depth analysis of the system's operational needs, system requirements for the establishment of the model to determine the participants in the system, a clear system of the border, using UML business analysis of the flow chart of the base station pre-opening process, the opening of the base station testing and analysis of indicators Process engineering and technology base to assess the quality of acceptance of the three main processes of the relationship between business processes and draw on that basis a prototype interface, a new inquiry to determine the base station, fill in the BSC, to apply for the opening test query base stations, base query Station improvement of quality inspection report, fill in the plan, and query the base station test launch of the report, the base station to fill in the opening test form, fill in the base value of the index analysis, fill out the reform and opening inspection reports to apply for acceptance of the base station, fill in the cross-dimensional quality improvement The report, to see the report of overtime and other key system use case, structured the demand, and a characterization of the design features, characteristics and behavior.During a preliminary analysis of the design process, finding things on behalf of those with the concept of "target", from the system use case-driven issues within the space of the relationship the concept model, to establish a domain model. In the process of establishing the domain model need to identify the most important set of abstract and the real world in the abstract, that is, the system will be mainly involved in the conceptual objects, which describes the task to create a system of space or domain issues, to include them Data from external demand, and established a system of domain-related issues static model. Analysis of the object in the system should be based on these practical issues of space object analysis software, structural design, by analyzing business processes and systems used in cases of business concept, the system boils down to the core of the concept come to an important class of options, the options in these categories can be in the screened to exclude those not important or incorrect terminology, or on behalf of their things or concepts beyond the scope of the model, but on behalf of the term, the use of the above analysis of the basic principles and principles of the system come to the domain model, The static model of the system.In Object-Oriented Analysis and Design course of business processes and systems based on use case, the system with a detailed description of the cases, including the main process, alternative process exception processes, business rules, such as a description of the contents, show participants and systems The interactive relationship between the robustness of the system for the analysis preparedIn a dynamic system modeling analysis, we use robust analytical methods in each of the cases described in the text, with cases confirmed object set, and then these objects classified into the object of the border, physical objects and control objects. With these objects organized, the definition of dynamic allocation behavior and relationships will show how useful. Through interactive modeling, robustness analysis on the basis of the detailed use case scenario in the interactive relationship between the object and design of the order of use of messaging between objects of the order, each of which contains the basic use cases and process all of the alternative process and the results form the core of the dynamic model, the system acts in the run-time system, including how to complete these actions, according to the query, modify, delete new base use case described in the text, combined with robust analysis of the model and map the distribution of the order of the target system behavior. Analysis of the object and respond to external events, objects come to the state plans to update the preliminary design phase of the system's domain model. In the static model of the system on the basis of the principle of using the database design, systems design plans relationship between the entities and data storage structure.System using JSP, JavaBean, Servlets, JDBC, XML, and other J2EE core technology, the factory method, Fa?ade pattern, such as the value of the J2EE core technology business systems functions. Component-oriented software technology, through the components of the page to show the realization of the page elements to achieve control logic, the system page description of the prototype system to realize that technology; business component through the flow chart, the business component description of the technology business technology; by defining the relationship between objects Map files, business-lasting durable description of the access interface technology.J2EE platform by a set of services (SERVICES), Application Programming Interface (APIS) and constitute an agreement, based on its development the WEB application provides a multi-functional support. J2EE core technology, including JDBC, JNDI, EJBS, RMI, JSP, Servlets, XML, JMS, JAVA IDL, JTS, JTA, JAVAMAIL and JAF. According to the characteristics of the system, the business component of the system using JSP, JavaBean, Servlets, JDBC, XML technology.J2EE model used in the general pattern of the use of all the benefits and the benefits of development for J2EE, these models for J2EE, in general do not want to model it in the abstract, so as to simplify the system and specific applications of the logo, and the use of adapters. Core J2EE model for the main components and Web-business, including its organization, said layer model for web component Layer. Business-model for Business Logic Tier. Integration layer model for the EIS system to connect. Layer that takes the form of filter mode, front-end controller, view, composite view, services / workers, the dispatch of view ; Layer model including business agents, numerical targets, Session Fa?ade, combined entity, numerical target assembler, numerical list of processors, locator service; layer model including the Integrated Data Access Objects, service activation.Component-oriented software system, filled the gap between graphic expression and code expression, the totally eliminate the gap between the software source code and software design . The re-us of components make the system more mature and stable.According to different templates generate different types of testing category in presentation layer, business layer and persistence layer. The smallest unit of testing procedures (modules) for errors, which is in the code after the completion of the first test of the implementation of the work, usually as a unit test coding steps accessories. Unit testing procedures from the start of the internal structure of the test case design, that is, the use of white-box testing methods, procedures for a number of modules can be parallel to carry out independent testing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management
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