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Research On ANRP

Posted on:2008-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360218956631Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There exist some problems in how to deploy and implement quick computing service under current architecture of computer networks. Active Networks, which could solve the above problems, is one of the known directions researchers are focusing on. Based on deep analysis and research on active networks, this dissertation gives a service oriented active network routing protocol (ANRP). MPRP (Multi-path routing protocol) is an instance of ANRP and MPRP can meet the dynamic needs in computing service deployment. Routers with ANRP could have a future implement in grid computing, and could set up a service oriented computer networks. And people could get rid of the limitations of passive data transmission and deploy the needed computing service more quickly, even under a global environment.This dissertation is based on the following tasks: analyze deeply enough the architecture of current computer networks; do detailed researches on former results in the field of active networks and give actual steps for service oriented architecture in the future; design models of service oriented routing architecture; describe a realization of service oriented multi path routing architecture in a storage system combining a cooperating international project which the author has attended; analyze the project and point out the future research fields.The important conclusion of this dissertation is that service oriented routing architecture could resolve problems of current passive data transmission, and could help deploy active service quickly and could have a high performance in special applications. The innovation is that this dissertation would give a push to researches in current active network and combine the routing technology and the concept of service oriented closely. And as a byproduct, the service oriented routing architecture also gives fresh air to current routing theory. This dissertation demonstrates the profits of MPRP with a detailed description of industry leading storage file system and gives a summary and conclusion of service oriented routing theory basing on the multi-path routing system technology implemented in the SAN gateway.
Keywords/Search Tags:Active network, Service oriented routing, SAN, Multi-path routing
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