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The EC-ONE System Based On FC Technology

Posted on:2008-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W N ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology, the traditional technology of large capacity storage is so limited in transmission speed and distance that it can not meet the need of the development of modem enterprise.Therefore, a higher demand about large capacity storage in enterprise has been put forword. Fibre Channel, which base on the super technology of channel and network, is designed to solve the problem. Fibre Channel provides not only wide bandwith,long distance but also high security and scalability.Fibre Channel has been widely used by large enterprise. FC SAN has the ablity to provide a stable system of large capacity storage, greatly concurrency,quickly system response. The solution of FC SAN is setup to support EC-ONE system of GuangDong Telecom Industry.Base on anlysis of the "EC-ONE" system demand,FC SAN solution has been adopted in this paper. By implementing of the system,we have got a quite satifaction result of improving system performance and providing a platform with scalablity,security,stability.The method of device selection to reduce the cost and improve system performance also been presented in this paper,I hope that it can give a valuable reference not only on FC SAN system construction of telecom fields,but also on the performance anlysis of large capacity storage system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel Storage Area Network, EC-ONE system, large capacity storage
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