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Frequency Management And Charging System

Posted on:2008-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360212497303Subject:Computer software and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The management of Frequency is a most important part of warelessanagement.Frequency belongs to the State,and is un-reproducible resource.TU(International Telecommunication Union)specifies which frequencyach country can use and how frequency is distributed in the general way.ach country will accord to the rules ITU has made,otherwise thenterference of frequency will lead to disasters.The Radio Committee will plan the frequency in detail according toommunicating system and technique system.After the unit,which wants toet up a station,has applied frequency,The Radio Committee will determinerequency that the unit can use,by analyzing the frequency data in database.he analysis consists of detecting the landform of the place and thenterference of the stations,this work is part of wareless detecting.The distribution and callback of frequency should be testified by formalaper of the State,which is called archives.The archives that relate torequency are frequency ratifying archives,frequency callback archives,etc.he units can use the frequency permitted by the State legally after they getrequency archives.Ater the units get frequency ratifying archives,stations can be set up,andrequency Occupying(FO)fee should be charged at the same time.The Stateas specified standards of charging FO fee,and formal files will be releasednce the standards are modified.The standards are related to the operating type and the parameters of thetation.The system realized in this paper is called Frequency Management andharging System.It is a subsystem of Radio Station Management SystemRSMS).RSMS uses both C/S and B/S framework,and customized workflow. It has complete work flow mechanism,and the authorized users can designthe flow of the tasks.The joining of workflow makes the tasks flow fast andfluently and makes up the shortage of B/S framework,the relative separateand disordere of resources.The management of radio station includes examine,approve of thestation,and the ordinary management.The level of station management alsoincludes examine and approve part and the ordinary management part,thesystem has strict level controls.This system consists of three parts,the frequency management,thedocument management,and the counting and charging system.Frequency isthe clue of the three systems.The Frequency Management System is used tomanage the resource of frequency,including frequency partition,frequencyplanning;The Document Management System is used to manage documents,including notices and archives;The Counting and Charging System is used tocounting and charing FO fee.The Frequency Management System devides frequency in the operationlevel,according to the rules made by ITU,and plans frequency in the system,according to the request of the State.The partition and planning is the basisof frequency distribution and assignation.The Frequency Management System is in the C/S part,it providesfriendly tree-like interface of different levels,and convenient operations toattriubtes.In the background a specified class encapsulates the operations ofdatabase.The Document Management System includes Archive ManagementModule and Notice Management Module.It is realized in C/S part.Notice Management Module can transfer notices to all organizationmembers in time.The Archive Management Module is mainly about themanagement of frequency ratifying archives,frequency callback archives,etc.Each time a station is set up,it needs at least one frequency ratifying archive. For the State Committee must analyze the interference of frequency,thenumber of frequency ratifying archives may larger than one.Frequencyarchives are edited by Microsoft Word.The color of title is always red.Thesystem uses the DLL offered by Microsoft Office 2003,and the interfaceoffered by Visual Stadio 2005.The interface is encapsulated to collectimportant informations.The informations are stored in database to provideconvinient query to other modules.Users also can read the whole page ifnecessary.The frequency ratifying archive is also the basis of station charing.It provedes necessary informations according to which charing is made,forexample,the commimucating system,the techinique system,parameter ofcharging,etc.The Counting and Charging System is an important part of Radio StationManagement System.The station is charged according to frequency ratifyingarchives by the Radio Committee before it sets up.After that,when data ofthe station is stored in database,the sum much be recounted,using new data.The Counting and Charging System is composed of C/S part and B/S part.The C/S part is the config module of counting standards,and the B/S partincludes Counting Module and Charging Module,consisting counting,yearlycharging,archives counting,archives charging,charing inform,and the queryand statistics of charging.The system provides auto-counting to users as a reference for the stationswhose data has been stored.Users can modify accounting records accordingto the real condition.However,if the data is strictly according to the rule(forsome circumstances are too complex to be detected),the system can find theright standard,and count the fee.This function can largely cut down theamount of users'work.The C/S part of the system classifes the standards in a new way,andsimplifies them without changing the meanings.Each standard is stored as arecord of the counting standard table.After analyzing the data of stations,the system can automaticly find the standards according with it,and search theparameters to count the final sum.The config of the standards needs usersmaster both operation knowledges and programming knowledges.The resultcan be showed with the procee of counting.This can help users to confirmwhether the system has counted the right sum.The design of B/S part uses design pattern of MVC.The organization ofthe pages of.NET makes the realization of MVC in Web much easier.Itsseparating of interface and code,management of all class files,makes thesystem can separate the pages and functions entirely.MVC not onlysimplifies the developing process,but also makes maintenance much easier,and can deal with the interface changing better.Most parts of B/S part use a technique called AJAX.AJAX is not a newtechnique,but it is widely used in recent years.Its asynchronized updatingmakes us to see Web application in a new way.However,the massive usageof JavaScript gives this technique some shortage.If the developers want to befree from the scripts which have to be used but can not be used conveniently,a debug tool as strong as C/S part should be supplied,or the methord ofdeveloping should be changed.But now it is still a hard thing to provide agood compatibility.The Web Application has wide space to develop becauseof its unified interface of IE.If there is a unified developing pattern,alongwith the optimization of the net techinique,the Web Application will be usedmore widely then the applications of traditional C/S.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management
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