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System Reliability Modeling And Analysis Of SG-Ⅲ Laser Driver Facility

Posted on:2006-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B H PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360185463376Subject:Control Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The SG-III Laser driver facility now under construction is a significant project in China, it is used to start thermonuclear reaction by generating high power laser beams under laboratory conditions. The facility, formed by 64 laser beams, consists of a great number of components, modules and sub-systems of various types. The construction of SG-III covers up to 10 fields of technology and is a project of considerable scale and great difficulty. Reliability, which is the most important index to measure the stability of SG-III, is closely related to the system shot success ratio, maintenance and support costs. It indicates the ability of SG-III to keep working or to perform its required function. This ability should be guaranteed through system reliability study of SG-III, which includes reliability modeling, analysis, assessment and verification. Under this circumstance, we did some research in system reliability of SG-III. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows:A brief introduction of the basic structure and principle of SG-III is made, system reliability and shot reliability are defined. By analyzing the symmetry of SG-III, we establish the system reliability model and provide methods to calculate it.Based on the system reliability model we established, some analysis is done. We study the reliability prediction and allocation methods and do the prediction and allocation. With respect to two different importance concepts, importance analysis is presented respectively. We rank modules according to importance and find out the weak spots of SG-III.Module reliability is the basis of system reliability study of SG-III, so we take the PCS (Power Conditioning System), which is one of the most important modules according to importance study, as an example. Based on the operation data we collected, the reliability of PCS is growing as it is tested. We separate the reliability growth process into two stages and in each stage the reliability seems to remain the same. The reliability growth model is built and the current reliability is calculated.In the final part of the thesis, we give some concluding remarks and possible future work remained.
Keywords/Search Tags:SG-III, System Reliability, Reliability Modeling, Reliability Growth
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