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The Design And Implementation Of Meat Traceability System Base On Internet Of Things Technology

Posted on:2012-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A N MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330335450095Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Internet of things (we take IOTfor short) led to various countries in variousfields on initiating into the new ideas of tracking the real object. We write the uniquecode into the electronic tag, and attach the entity object to an electronic tag, and readout the entity information by reader, and then use the Internet to transfer theinformation to the destination computer, finally form a systemic entity monitoringnetwork. IOT has fundamentally changed the management and monitoring of theproduct from the production, transportation, storage and sales. The progresses ofRFID technology, EPC code, Internet, and Savant system technology providetechnical support to IOT. Enterprises in the whole world business have a lot of needsof logistics tracking and supply chain technology which speed up the formation ofIOT.At present, there are many problems about IOT, such as meat area. The mainreason for this is that technologyis backward, the network is not perfect, and the meatlogistics information system is inadequate. Progress and development of modernlogistics of meat need to useRFID technology,EPC code, Internet and Savant systemtechnology.Wewillconstructagoodmeatlogisticssystemincludingmeat production,processing, storage, transport, trade and other chain through the realization of themeatlogisticsnetworkingandthemeatlogisticsinformationplatformequippedbythemodern technology. The widely use of IOT in meat logistics will surelypromotes therapiddevelopmentofmeatindustry.This paper focuses on the key technology of IOT: RFID technology, EPC code,Savant system. Overall design a meat traceability system of IOT, including meatproduction,processing,storage,transport,tradeandotherchain.ThisSystemcontainssix parts: the input of the inbound delivery information, the input of the outbounddelivery information, the input of the processing information, the input of thetransportation information, the input of the sale information and meat producttraceability. In this system, interface will be displayed when clicking the button, sothat operator can smoothly finish the information input and traceability. This paper will take the input of the inbound delivery information and meat product traceabilityas an example, to perform the test of the system. We write the unique code into theelectronic tag, and attach the entityobject to an electronic tag, and read out the entityinformation by reader, and then use the Internet to transfer the information to thedestination computer, finally form a systemic entity monitoring network. Realize thenetworking of the meat logistics, form a high information concentrated platform, andbuild a modern meat logistics system with the rapid development of moderninformationtechnology. Withthetechnologypromotionof IOTinmeat logistics area,themeatindustrywillcertainlydeveloprapidly.
Keywords/Search Tags:InternetofThings, RFID, EPC, SavantSystem
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