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The Great Northern Wilderness Novels And The Spirit Of The Great Northern Wilderness: Han Naiyin 's Novels

Posted on:2017-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330485970155Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Han Naiyin beidahuang novel writing the beidahuang experienced vicissitudes of life change, the span of the novels display the history of half a century,from man’s shoulder for the first time, to the north bin and the mechanization of agriculture to modern agriculture of staggered development, to meet global challenges after accession to the WTO, Han Naiyin beidahuang novel will be Wild spirit of real and vivid, reveals the wilderness of the spirit of creation, development and evolution of the whole process.Wild spirit connotation in Han Naiyin wilderness in all key elements of the novel to comprehensively and dynamically.Papers to Han Naiyin beidahuang novels as the research object,mining the implied spirit of the wild,to search in the novel reveals the essence of the spirit of beidahuang.The life of natural strength,first embodied in the nature of primitive life force itself, which is a kind of frosty day race free natural spirit;the second is the son of man as a natural, appeared in the process of interaction with the environment of own life force, this is a fearless spirit of hard work;from the strength of life again convey beidahuang person life the spirit of tenacious character.Heroism spirit,initial reflected in hundreds of soldiers and officers to transfer to other tasks into the wild wild in the pioneer great battle, this spirit is derived from the writers heroism complex under the hero group, in the wilderness of the development and construction, to inherit and never-say-die spirit of heroism.Collectivism spirit,in the first place in the start-up stage of the beidahuang shown in its forming process, the formation of collectivism spirit is affected by the wild natural and social environment;people in beidahuang "collectivism" to show the baptism of the reform tide, it through the wilderness appeared three different mentality;Han Naiyin use novel shows the collectivism spirit of beidahuang evolution, under the new situation the wild man of collectivism spirit to show the immortal spirit of the wild.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Naiyin, Beidahuang novel, The spirit of beidahuang
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