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An Analysis Of The Typical Patterns Of Children 's Images In New Chinese Paintings

Posted on:2016-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiuFull Text:PDF
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As images of children, one of the characters is an important part of the artistic image, the image compared with adults, in addition to groups of children has its own "natural" attribute of children make art visual image carries more worth pondering the meaning, but on the fashioned, is expressed, studies were imagined image of the child is clearly more conducive to reveal and promote the rights of the image generated interest. From the research point of view, the image of a certain stage of the child since the founding of New China were summarized in Figure typed, graphics symbolic interpretation, sociological analysis and ideological analysis is the main research directions of the current image of the visual arts for children symbol. But research perspective, research methods and research point of view, compared with the female image and the image of farmers and other visual image research, image of the child’s depth and breadth of research is clearly very weak.Thus, a large number of images of children Based on the collection, analysis and classification, to the founding of New China in different historical periods of Chinese art in painting children how to shape the image and expression as a starting point to analyze the value of the typical image of the child generation behind Game between the standard, ideology, the concept creator and the viewer’s expectations between the carrying reveals the formation of different cultural significance of different historical stages of the typical image of the child is the main standard of value guidance, multi-stakeholder conspiracy results.Text is divided into five parts:Part Introduction: Research reviewed images of children, through the research perspectives and methods of classification points out the limitations of previous studies, and research perspective, methods and meaning of simple statements.The first chapter, in 1949-1976 as the research phase, detailing under the direct influence of the national mainstream ideology, including the founding of the early seventeen years and decades of turmoil, including the Maoist Cultural Revolution art, the image of the child standardized shape and has two new children and good child like state of ideal images of children under the political criteria in the presentation. After exposing the political position gradually occupy the absolute commander in shaping the artistic image of the creator of the negation of individual consciousness, ignored and viewer expectations from the general public on the reality of life, and the resulting shaped by the nature of the ideal image of the child falsThe second chapter discusses the new period 1977-1989 of Fine Arts, in seeking to establish legitimacy and demand, the artist consciously chose to create patterns and image building standards Maoist negation, then, from the political criteria and restrictions false characterization of the ideal steering Praise new standards for individual image reconstruction and real new pursuit. In the picture is presented as a creator filled with a strong sense of personal emotion emotional or rational human image of the child. But in fact, during this period the individual will coincide only in the national mainstream ideology and premises in line with public expectations of the audience received a limited freedom under the artist’s quest for the ultimate construction of only three in the "real discourse ’to achieve a sincere artistic expression.The third chapter describes the 20 th century, 90 years since the Chinese contemporary art, the rapid development of urbanization, affecting a wide range of post-colonialism diffusion, complex context of globalization while simultaneously marketing onslaught, the local regional characteristics of having China China’s urban population living conditions, cultural symbolic significance in Chinese tradition, Chinese Maoist political characteristics of the "Chinese-style image of the child," the remodeling, apparently based on the market value of the standard market interest for the art of strategy. Although as a policy and shaping of "Chinese-style image of the child" has the Chinese doubtful, but "Chinese-style" itself has advantages and effectiveness of the construction of a new image of China and access to cultural identity, prove that for "Chinese Children image " is shaping contemporary artists have creative freedom given to the art market in the context of the cultural significance of the works at the same time, access to the market economic interests, to build a new image of contemporary Chinese cultural identity and get the inevitable choice.Epilogue, through different historical periods typical image of the child’s classification, analysis, and generate images of children reveal rights, interests behind, making express their personal views on the formation of a typical kind of state since the new Chinese painting of the image of the child. Artistic creative process and artistic venue for children forever "absent" in the description of the art does not exist in reality absolutely objective and realistic image of the child. Among the many indirect effects create images of children, and the factors that ultimately direct expression or presentation of different values, ideologies, creative ideas and the audience’s expectations, also determined there is no absolute ideal, real, Chinese-style images of children, in different historical the context of the final image of the child presented are based on mainstream values-led, multi-power balance between the interests of conspiracy and results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children’s image, Real, Discourse, shape, Expression
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