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An Analysis Of Lexical Interpretation Of Chinese Characteristic

Posted on:2016-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Translation of words with Chinese characteristics has increasingly attracted widespread attention, which appears in political speech, government report and press conference. Thus translating these words becomes a heated topic. According to the survey, factors that influence the effect can be cultural diversities of English and Chinese, contexts and qualification of interpreter. During the interpreting process, there are some problems such as Chinglish, word-for-word translation, cultural vacancy and redundancy. By analyzing and contrasting the problems and reasons, the solutions to these problems include the strategies of literal translation and interpretive translation,omitting, collocation and word order adjustment. Through these interpretation strategies,interpreters can effectively solve the problems during interpreting process.
Keywords/Search Tags:words with Chinese characteristics, literal translation, interpretive translation, omitting
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