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Contrastive Analysis And Suggestions On Cultural Column Design Of New And Old Chinese

Posted on:2016-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330461954679Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, in the promotion of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, to improve the concept of students’ cultural communication skills in language teaching and teaching Chinese as a foreign language has been a broad consensus in educational circles, and the introduction of cultural elements in the textbook is an importantd evelopment trend of textbook compilation. The international Chinese language education has a huge overseas market, a good textbook is to support the foundation of international Chinese language education, is second only to the second elements of teachers, but also the core of the teaching resources.In the early 80 century to the mid 90’s to explore the culture teaching in TCFL is the most warm period, the cultural factors in foreign language teaching has been recognized. In the primary stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, in addition to the use of mother tongue or language to the students to explain the culture of the target language, in addition to reflect the function of the project and reflect the form of language, cultural project is basically in a sporadic "factors" in teaching.However, the culture of the students understand the sound form and meaning Chinese characters and understanding and mastering Chinese is very important. In the primary stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, we start to pay attention to excavate the cultural content of teaching, only to seize it. Therefore, this article on the South Korean high school’s most widely,used language China "1"(old) and "1" language China(New) cultural lesson two textbooks and the arrangement of description and comparison, trying to find the change and innovation of the Korean high school Chinese textbook, as well as the existence question, in order to further improve the South Korean high school textbooks about Chinese culture course content selection and arrangement of the set. Based on the comparison of the two textbooks, we will use the new textbooks give relevant suggestions, in order to better guide the teaching work culture classes for the better class of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural item, presentation, Chinese textbook
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