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On The Art Of Fan Guang 's Landscape Painting

Posted on:2015-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The song dynasty is a landmark in the history of Chinese painting, the painting style with distinctive times features. During this period inherited the outstanding tradition of the sui, tang and five dynasties, further innovation and improve the landscape painting techniques and formed the modernity of aesthetic characteristics.The song dynasty landscape painting in terms of subject, performance skills and painting theory in promoting the development of landscape painting. This period was not famous, excellent, ink landscape with the aesthetic need of this period, becomes the dominant style of painting. Song dynasty ink-wash increasingly perfect, abandoned sui and tang dynasties "hook fill", formed a lasting appeal very speak ink hook Cun halftone technique of combining the program. Landscape painting during this period heavy accident, rational and aesthetic characteristics from the original religion, the religious spirit and humanities spirit. Song dynasty paintings superb techniques, aesthetic opinion atmosphere active, unique, artistic thought reflects prosperity in culture and art.Fan Kuan is the most representative landscape painters during this period, his masterpiece the khe sanh travelled diagram represents not only his artistic achievement and height, also represents the height of this period of the northern song dynasty landscape painting art. Fan Kuan inherit the traditional, bold innovation, create a new style very classic, the most influential master of painting at that time and later generations. In2004, the United States Fan Kuan voted in one thousand, life magazine will impact on the human most one hundred characters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fan Kuan, heart nature, subjective thought, natural, powerful, rolling thick
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