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The Study On The Fabrication Of Free-space Crossover Optical Interconnection Element With Cylinder Lenses

Posted on:2002-07-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
OPtcal interconncction occuPies more and more haPOrtan POsition in OPicalinformation process and switching, especialIy in oPtcaI comPUtor, oPtical swthingand ontica annua netwrt.In this papef, Kogelnik's couPled wav theOry wa itheduced in dewil, andaccording this theOry the situation that the incident Plane is nOt in the same Plane withgraing vectOr was discussed, and found tha the incident ligh frOm differen directonhad different effect on the diffraCton efficiency The aUthrs also deduced theequaion fOr Peopndicularly and multiply exposed gratng, which Popide the basicthebry fOr the fabrication of the oPtical interconnction elements.HolograPhic recordin material --red sensitive PhotOpolymer was introduced,including its' composition and recOrding mebocs and Processing technOlOgy. TheauhOr proPOsed tO fabricate the oPtcal holograPic crossover interconnectonelement With cylinder lenses. In experiment the aUthr dscated the elements of 2-Dcrossover interconnection, and analyzed the oPtical PrOPerties of the elements. ThismethOd is simPle and easy to be exPosed. ln exPerimen, CPoxy resin was helPed toenhance the oPtical Proprties of the RSPThis article Provided a new methd for free-sPace oPticai crossoverinterconnection. This methd was feasible accOndng to theOry and exPeriment. Withthe develoPment of OPical interconneetion, the hOlograPic crossover OPicalelements also will be widely used in free-sPaCe oPtical interconnection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Optical interconneodon, Crossover interconncton, Holography Bragg graing
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