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The Study Of The Benign Reaction Between The University Campus Culture And Ideological And Political Education

Posted on:2012-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335468914Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Institution of higher learning is an important field to cultivate the qualified constructors and successors for the socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the reports of The Party's Sixteenth, Seventh National Congress, and the Fifth Plenary Session of its Seventh Central Committee, the importance of the education, higher education and culture was further specified. The suggestion about strengthening and improving the college students' education of ideology politics given by The State Council Of The Central Committee Of The CPC, and the suggestion about strengthening and improving the campus cultural construction of colleges and universities given by the ministry of education and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League point out the importance of the university students' ideological and political education in the cultivation of talents in university. Furthermore, in the circumstance of economic globalization, multiculturalism and information networking, the ideological state and view of value of college students have gone through great changes in the environment of social and economic development. Therefore, the importance and necessity to strengthen the construction of campus culture and the ideological & political education have been fully recognized and some exploration has been carried on. But the beneficial interactions between campus culture and the ideological & political education is not well understood and the operational design, construction of the team, study on the operational mechanism and funds guarantee mechanism are not in place yet. Facing this situation, how to make best use of campus culture and the ideological & political education, how to promote the benign interaction between them, how to let them play bigger role with the effects of their integration and interaction and improve the effectiveness of higher education, these are the important subjects that are desiderated to study systematically and deeply.Based on the present research situation of home and abroad, this thesis illustrates the current status of the interaction between the campus culture and the ideological & political education, explores the positive aspects and the aspects need to improve of the reaction between them. The dissertation also unfolds that the relation between them is not just the one way relationship that one influence or restrict other one, but the bidirectional relationship. Then the necessity of the benign interaction between them was further discussed from three aspects: firstly, the benign reaction between the campus culture and the ideological & political education is the intrinsic request to fulfill higher education goal; secondly, it is the needs of making college students become all-round talents; finally it is the first choice to guarantee their effectiveness. In the end, the implement system was discussed: The government and societal forces should do their best to optimize social environment; teachers and students should deepen the understanding of the reaction between campus culture and the ideological & political education; effective measures should been taken to perfect management mechanism; the team construction should be Strengthened; the standard operating procedure should be improved; to increase the investment in the construction of campus culture and the ideological & political education system.
Keywords/Search Tags:University, Campus culture, ideological and political education, Benign Reaction
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