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Analysis Of Citizens' Politcial Participation On The Internet

Posted on:2010-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:O Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272998760Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this world, the trend of information technology can not be stopped. Cyberspace offers a platform where people can get involved and take actions just as the real life.Cyberspace's attribute has been changed from technical to society,being given a community by human activities.A virtual gloable society has been formed by combining social relationships and net work.Against such a background,people's lives are being changed.Specially in politics, that is, the form of citizen participation in politics more diverse and intuitiveThere is a basic premise to achieve a full democratic govermance for citizens,to get and exchange information freely.The greatest advantage for network is the rich of information.As the technical developt,"e-democracy"has been considered as the only option to a direct democracy.This paper will analysis the three of network incidents that have great affect to china recently.By the use of case studies,date statisticts and theoretical deduction.In combing the results of previous studies.Attempt from the network penetration of social life.Promoting of the level of citizen participation by network.Describe the impact of political interest and the training and constructing ofpolitical enthusiasm carried out by network.The first part introduces the three cases used in the paper.These three incidents are the focus of chinese cyberspace and even the whole society,diuring de last year.Each has its own unique features.Together they display the feature of network of political participation in China.outline the role network played in public affairs.Network enlarged an isolated incident and caused the citizens'attention as an information platform.Citizens can freely enter the network and have discussion.At the same time the network is a media for public opinions'dissemination.It enlarges the power of public opinion,and spread them to the crowded.The second part focuses on how the network affected so much on the public life of citizens as a technical tool.First,analysis the structure of chinese net users through out the dates.The main part of chinese net users is made up by social elites such as highly educated,high-salory owners and students.They are very active in public life due to such background.They have the interest and capability to get involved into public affair.That's the reason why chinese net users always pay attention to the public affairs.Network is just a tool for communicating as a telephone.But much more technically than a phone.It's open make citizens easier to join in it with only hardware requirement.As a platform of saving and exchanging informations ,network has a unlimited capacity.Coverd almost every civil works in human's history,and all of them are free to explore by people.Due to the high speed of digital signal,people almost forget the distance.More over,social community in cyberspce has been extremly simple.People even don't have to know eachoter's name.Such extreme directness brings experience of freedom,making people more intrested in communiting in cyberspce.Althou cyberspace itself is a virtual society,it takes real experience to people,that why cyberspace can go deeply into human's life.The third part describe the cyberspace affecting on citizens political participation.First of all,as a platform of transporting informations,cyberspace has accomplished the public of info-resources.Thanks to the opening and high efficiencyof cyberspace,people enjoy real fully openned inro-resources.The accomplishment of freedom of inro-resources takes human out of the fate to obey in the tradional society,and get into a morden,civil society.The freer informations transports,the more comman it can be.Second,due to the freedom of speech,people can join into a public disscussion more active.Cyberspace offered a room that unlimited,free joinning,express public,debate equally.This room is in keeping with the public space harbermas had mentioned.People build up talking groups,these little groups get togeter and come to a large public space.By this means,cyberspace achieves its feature of democracy.As people taking part in,cyberspace pulls outward,causes people get rights and powers back from the government.The spreading of power will lead to fully self-governning.The third,freedom of expression and equal power pushes citizens'political participation.Citizens can express their opinion immediately when the receive informations.All kinds of informations get together,form a intrest group,temporarily.On the other hand,people no longer have to fear of standing at a disadvantage because of they have a different of view.Citizens can express their truelly,rational opinion.Passion of participating public affair had been stimulated.More over,the minoraty no need to be afaid that their opinions been rejected,cause cyberspace is open wide,there is no strict differences between eachother.This will help to protect the rights of minoraty.Political participation online has the advantages of free,direct,high efficiency and cheap.Civil rights can be protected based on that.In the end,this paper analysis the negative effects that cyberspace may bring in,such as digital divide,group polarization.Point out that all these negative effects are actually those social problems extending into cyberspace.Only when social problems are soolved by government,these negative effects could be eliminated.
Keywords/Search Tags:internet, citizen, democracy, political participation
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