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The Anthrpological Research On Southern Buddihism Music Of Bulang People

Posted on:2011-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Buddhism of Southern Shangzuo tribe is the main religious belief of Bulang people of Zhanglang Village, whose teachings have deeply blended into the daily life of those people, and whose religious culture has exerted great influence on the Music of Bulang people.Before research, the author of this paper defines this thesis as elucidatory ethnography paper whose researching object is "Zaizhong" in buddihism Music of Bulang people in Zhanglang Village in Menghai of Yunnan Province. By approach of Anthromusicology, the thesis does research within social and cultural structure. During researching, firstly it get to know in detail the influence Southern Buddhism have on the religious view, emotion, and behavior of the villagers from microcosmic perspective. And then beyond "thin description", it dose thick description of the use and function of "Zaizhong" in spreading religious belief, influencing the value of the disciples, inspiring the emotion of the audience, and shaping model of behavior.The thesis is divided into four parts. In introduction, the author of the thesis presents its motivation, significance and purpose of the subject and researching review, objects, case selection, and researching method are also introduced. In researching review, the author retrospects the current researches on Bulang people, ritual music and Musical Ethnograghy finding out more space for research work and the starting point of the thesis is presented. In the selection of cases and objects, the author explains the difference between this Buddhism Music and traditional Buddhism Music. In theoretical part, the author introduces the theoretical framework of the thesis, researching approach and the originality of the thesis.Certain music form is rooted in certain culture. In order to create a comprehensive social background and cultural context, the author of the thesis generally introduces the researching site from aspects of he history of Bulang people, Buddhism and music culture in chapter one. When explaining "Buddhism and life of Bulang people", the author tries to present objectively the details of Southern Buddhism mingling into the daily life of Bulang people.Chapter two takes the religious festival "guanmen" as example, objectively and carefully describing the time, location and causes of "Zaizhong" of Bulang people in Zhanglang Village and lays foundation for the thick description of putting the research in Bulang culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethnic Bulang, Buddhism Music, "Zaizhong", Musical, Ethnograghy, Research
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