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Subjectivity Research Of Self-Translator In Literary Works

Posted on:2011-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305968144Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the flood of modern translation theory of Hermeneutics, Deconstructionism, Reception Theory and "culture turn", translation study is not restricted in the traditional method of code switching, but becomes more and more aware of that translation, especially literary translation, is a complicated communicative process, which requires translators, the only executor, to make decisions constantly. Therefore, the subjectivity of the translators cannot be overlooked.The present paper opens with the meaning of subjectivity in philosophy. It discusses the problem——who or what translation subject is and what translator's subjectivity is, as well as its composing factors, including translator's ideology, cultural issues, aesthetic views, personal interests and translation skopos.The author takes self-translators, a special group in literary translation, for further study. She goes over the concept of definition of self-translation, prerequisite of becoming a self-translator, reason for self-translation, and focuses on the controversial questions of whether self-translation can be considered as translation rather than rewriting, the distinctive features between self-translators and conventional ones.The thesis chooses a special case——Zhang Ailing and her Jinsuo Ji for a close study from the perspective of self-translators and their translation. Her specific case——her illustrious family, her deeply-felt emotions to Jinsuo Ji, her translation ideas, her aesthetic tendency, her cultural root in Chinese, all together as elements in her subjectivity of translating Jinsuo Ji——exerts an influence on her strategies of translation and constitutes the reproduction of Jinsuo Ji in The Golden Cangue. Though self-translators, due to their special status as the producer of the original text, may be allowed to have more freedom, when they start translating their own works, like conventional translators, they would also be restrained by the pre-established fiction in order to find a best way to express the existing text in anther language.The creative treason and influence of translators'subjectivity are prominent in literary translation, and translators particularly self-translators need some room in their translation work. Finally, it draws on a conclusion:in self-translation, subjectivity of author namely translator in aesthetic beliefs, ideas on translation, cultural stance, translation skopos will do help to reproduce the work and keep the spirit of the original in another language for exerting excellent translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:subjectivity, self-translator, literary translation, The Golden Cangue
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