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A Review Of The Study On The Structure "V (Zhe) X/XP" In The Modern Chinese

Posted on:2011-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305489841Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the verb with auxiliary "(zhe) "this verb forms are very special bearing a form of modern Chinese studies in high frequency is a modality forms. Along with the field of study of grammar, this modality forms further caused by more and more attention of scholars. Early scholars have noticed that the word"(zhe)" of study, but this involves the study of grammar is a word grammaticalization results from the Angle of the synchronic and review the auxiliary"(zhe)"level of grammatical function and grammatical meanings. For modern Chinese "V (zhe) X/XP" the structure of the study and the auxiliary"(zhe)" of grammatical function and grammatical meanings is mainly to the following questions in order to comb and comprehensive understanding of the structure and the research status of help.1. Auxiliary "(zhe)" into the structure of grammatical meanings and functions, from our existing numerous achievements can be seen in the structure of the auxiliary"(zhe)" can sum up for two grammatical meanings: express meaning (or continuous meaning) and continuous meaning.2. "V (zhe) X/XP" structure of main type into sentences: active sentences condition sentence and into the state of a kind of special structure of sentences.3. "V (zhe) X/XP" structure into the syntactic analysis, the first sentence is "V" speech, the main verb, adjective, prepositions, onomatopoetic words, and phrases, etc. Second is the structure of the sentence into three types of syntactic analysis.4. "V (zhe) X/XP" structure into the sentence semantic analysis, for "V" semantic analysis more, but mostly is combined with the structure of "V" under the sentence into the semantic features. Secondly, active sentences ,condition sentence and the sentence is a kind of special form and structure of the sentence patterns into the semantic analysis.5. "V (zhe) X/XP" structure of sentences into pragmatic analysis, mainly is the three types of pragmatic analysis in the sentence, but in the pragmatic study of this part of the study was not enough, need to be further mining.Anyhow, we can see the structure of the research is to further, but to pragmatic studies have insufficient. Pragmatics is bound to become the future research focus.
Keywords/Search Tags:"V (zhe) X/XP" structure, Syntax analysis, The semantic analysis, Pragmatic analysis
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