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Classical Poetry Teaching In Language And Literature Teaching For Secondary School

Posted on:2010-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LiuFull Text:PDF
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Language and literature education should also be able to play an important role in creating a new generation for modern society. So language lessons should be committed to the formation and development of students' proficiency in Chinese language. In language teaching we must be oriented to all students to enable them to obtain basic language literacy, and cultivate their love for the language of motherland. We should assume the education responsibility in ancient poetry teaching in middle school to transmit the knowledge and culture of human history and to wake the students' mind.With the aim of 'education for life', this paper explores and researches ancient poetry teaching, on the base of huge ideological connotation of ancient poetry, to get the harmonious unification of Cognitive education and emotional education, and the unification of aesthetic education and innovation education. At last, we can achieve the educational value of Ancient Poetry teaching.This paper consists of three parts as follow:Part I deals with the characteristics of classical poetry (including the Ci) which was selected in secondary language textbook. The characteristics can be summarized from six aspects, rich rhythm and cadence, Strong emotional, rich language materials and a variety of means of artistic expression, lots of Changes in language structure, the unique beauty and the function of poetry. The first four aspects of these characteristics were analyzed from the appearance of the poetry text. And the latter two aspects were analyzed from the connotation of it.The second part is about Survey and analysis of the classical poetry teaching in secondary schools. It can be divided to three aspects: First, a survey on 100 students and 20 teachers of urban high school; Second, an analysis secondary on classical poetry teaching in middle school; Third, the classical interpretation of New Curriculum on secondary school teaching tasks undertaken by poetry.The third part is analysis of teachers' strategies in classical poetry teaching in secondary school. There are two major aspects: First, the conversion of teachers' role; second, the appliance of "study-based ideas" in the teaching of classical poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language and Literature Teaching, Classical Poetry, Teaching Strategies
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