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Study On 300 Pieces Of Song-Ci Compiled By Zhu ZuMou

Posted on:2010-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302461354Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"300 Pieces of Song-Ci" was compiled and amended by Zhu ZuMou, a great researcher on Ci-poetry in the end of the Qing Dynasty. Since its advent in 1924, it has spread widely and affected profoundly. This anthology about Ci-poetry was completed at the period of the Ci research from the old to the new, and had the Ci research characteristic and the group characteristic of the end time. It contains Zhu ZuoMou's deep thoughts on Ci-poetry and his careful consideration on profound Ci research.The later generation's acceptance of this anthology, manifests the deep change of the Ci theory and the academic atmosphere at the transition periods from the traditional Ci study to the modern Ci study.The multiple perspective research on it, can help us to understand and use this classical book well. The research on it can also reflect from one aspect, the development change of the traditional Ci study and the construction process of the modern Ci theory at the beginning of Republican periods and the late of Qing Dynasty.This paper is divided into five main parts:chaptersâ… andâ…¡, pursue the life of Zhu ZuMou, his experience and thoughts on Ci, and then explore the social environment, learning background of Ci-poetry, the transmission and the compile process of "300 Pieces of Song-Ci".Chapterâ…¢carries out the characteristics study on "300 Pieces of Song-Ci". " 300 Pieces of Song-Ci" is a typical anthology of argument, mainly chooses Ci-poetry from "QiangCun Congshu". It takes Tige,Shenzhi as choice standard, takes Huncheng as the highest esthetic ideal. its election domain can balance the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, and adopt the density and the sparse, reflecting the tolerance and balance consciousness of the editor's thought.Chapterâ…£reveals that "300 Pieces of Song-Ci" inherited and developed Changzhou's three classic anthologies by comparison. "300 Pieces of Song-Ci" developed Zunti theory of "Ci-Xuan" by Zhang HuiYan, adjusted the method of learning Ci of "Ci-Xuan from four writers" by Zhou Ji, and had an inheritance theory origin on Zhong-Zhuo-Datheory with "Appreciation on Song-Ci"by Duan Mu-cai.Chapterâ…¤studies the spread and acceptance process of "300 pieces of Song-Ci". "300 pieces of Song-Ci" s broad spread is greatly due to Tang GuiZhang's Annotations. Since the 1980s, many kinds of comments, appreciations, the story-telling scripts with unique character have appeared. Regarding the acceptance of "300 pieces of Song-Ci", it can be divided into three periods:the early of the Republic, after the Founding of the Nation, from the 1980s till now. Different stages have differently features, reflecting the Ci theory's change and development at the alternating periods on Ci research from the old to the new.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhu ZuMou, 300 Pieces of Song-Ci, Selection
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