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On The Image Of A Psychological Consultant In A College Student's Mind

Posted on:2009-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245958384Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper attempts to demonstrate the differences between a real psychological consultant and an ideal one in a college student's mind. Respectively 38 and 36 descriptive words are selected after the 270 college students have completed the questionnaires. From five levels of assessments, 536 college students make their choices. The survey presents as following.A real psychological consultant in a college student's mind may be classified into 8 types: psychological consultant of loftiness, wisdom, kindliness, being mature, good language competence, lack of loftiness and high charge. Patient, professional, insightful, kind, savvy, sagacious, responsible, calm, rational, being good at teaching, and conversable are the first ten descriptive words for a real psychological consultant. A psychological consultant's income and charge are too high according to female students. The students with experience think the ability and wisdom of the psychological consultants are not what they have expected while the students without experience think their income and charge are a bit high.An ideal psychological consultant in a college student's mind may be one who is lofty, full of wisdom, kindly, mature, and competent in speech and who asks for reasonable price. A psychological consultant who is a good listener, capable of communicating, savvy, patient, insightful, sincere, responsible, professional, and kind is what the students expect to be. Meanwhile, femal students expect more of an ideal psychological consultant than male ones.An ideal psychological consultant and real psychological consultant are different in the aspect of structure as well as the characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:psychological consultant, image, college student
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