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A Study On The Relations Between The Taiping Rebellion And Hongkong

Posted on:2009-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S P WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245953708Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There were some relations between the Taiping Rebellion and Hongkong. However, few people pay attention to them. This paper will solve the question through reflecting on the Hongkong's effect on the Taiping Rebellion, includes political,economic,ideological,military and diplomatic parts. It also reveals the special natural position and political status printed by the English aggressors in Hongkong. Meanwhile, the peasant association with the time's character is appeared from the other side.This paper includes three parts. Firstly, Hung-Siu-Tshuen's early Christian thought and the effect from Hongkong. This part mainly discusses the relation between the God Worshippers'Religion and Hongkong. Hung-Siu-Tshen ever contacted with Christrianity two times. For the first time, he read the book called Ch'uan-shin Liang-yen. For the second time, he went to Canton to learn the Christrianity after Issachar Jacox Roberts for two months. All these were indirectly affected by Hongkong. Soon Hung-Siu-Tshen created the God Worshippers'Raligion.Secondly, Hung Jen Kan'experience in Hongkong and his early modernized ideology. Hung Jen Kan had been to Hongkong for three times, where he learned lots of western civilizations. Besides Christrianity, there were abundant natural scientific knowledge and social scientific knowledge. Based on these, The New Draft of The Heavenly Administration was launched.Thirdly, Hongkong's function during the Taiping Rebellion. This part mainly discusses that Hongkong was a message window for western foreigners who wanted to comprehend the Taiping Rebellion, a transferspot for foreigners and Chinese, a transport port for armements and a peaceful place for refugees during the Taiping Rebellion. Therefore, the special position of Hongkong is clearly appeared in front of the readers.Besides, this paper not noly lets us remember Hongkong's special role on the Taiping Rebellion, but also lets us value her who came back to mother's bosom not long ago.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Taiping Rebellion, Hongkong, Hung-Siu-Tshuen, Hung-Jen-Kan
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