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Western Oil Painting Teaching

Posted on:2006-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242956498Subject:Chinese ethnic minority art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It's significant to study the development ,the idea and keystone of western oil painting, especially for Chinese oil painting revolution. In this thesis, I review the development of the western fine arts academies and their oil painting teaching method. And then I get three important facets of the modern western oil painting teaching. They are to cultivate the modeling ability, to impart the oil painting language, to lead and inspire with the students' sensitivity. With researching the oil painting teaching of the best three modern academies and their professors' idea and joining the teaching practice of David Collins, the foreign oil painting teacher of Northwest Minorities' University, I touch the essence of the modern western oil painting teaching. It's sensitivity of artist. So I deduce three important conclusions. First of all, the sensitivity of artist is one of the most important facets of the first fine arts academy, which was founded by Giorgio Vasari. Therefore, the revolution of the modern fine arts academies is to look for the focus and the true tenet of teaching. Secondly, each innovation and every new school in the arts history originated from the interior of the arts tradition. The seed of the personal style and the innovation is personal sensitivity. And the soil of it is the arts tradition and me nature. Thirdly, the formal beauty of fine arts has come from many artists' exploration. Many masters persevered studying nature and exploring many fields of arts with their own sensitivity. Then they created the rich fine arts formal beauty resources. So the nature is the true headspring of the inspiration and aesthetic pursuit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Western, Oil Painting, Teaching
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