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The Thoughts Of Li Hung-chang's Sino-Japanese Alliance

Posted on:2009-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242482260Subject:Special History
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Sino-Japanese relations in modern times began with the"Sino-Japanese Provisions of Cordial Relation"in 1871. Li Hongzhang was a very important talent in late Qing Empire's Sino-Japanese relations. As one of the most influential official, great important policy-makers and executive, Li Hung-Chang was always at the core of the Sino-Japanse relations in the second half of the 19th century. The thoughts of Li hongzhang on Sino-Japanese alliance directly decided on the policy what he adopt towards Japan. The thoughts had an deep influence on Sino-Japanese relations and the development of Modern Chinese History in practice.From signing of the"Sino-Japanese Provisions of Cordial Relation"in 1871 to the Tianjin Treaty between China and Japan in 1885, the thoughts of Li Hongzhang allied with Japan which was the core of policy that he adopt towards Japan. Li Hongzhang tried to use the alliance to deal with Sino-Japanese relations as the fundamental principle. But the thoughts of alliance towards Japan had broken repeatedly by Japan in practice. Sino-Japan conflicted continually and Li Hongzhang took the negative attitude to handle it. As japan's aggressive ambition of becoming increasingly clear, the loss of Okinawa, The thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Sino-Japanese alliance's had shaken. Through"Muting in 1882"and"The December Incident of 1884"in Korea, Li Hongzhang began to active defense to Japan."Tianjin Treaty"signede in modern times, the developmet of relations between the two countries from forming an alliance to confront the critical point, marking the thoughs of Li Hongzhang on Japan alliance of final burst.Based on the definition of the concept of Li Hongzhang alliance and the alliance functional breakdown, I believed that from Li Hongzhang began to establish diplomatic relations with Japan in the contracting to "the Tianjin Treaty" signed, Japanese foreign policy rationale there was a clear association colors.The thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Japan alliance in the face of common threats from outside the context of the tributary system and the traditional system of treaties and under the influence of the double impact of the final form. It was the product of active diplomacy, and it had a certain theoretical basis and realistic foundation.Both China and Japan had a common destiny, seek alliance partners, and they neighbors separated only by a strip of water Therefore, China was known as the "tiny little country" Japan began to attract the attention of Li Hongzhang. Li Hongzhang suppressed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the campaign, gradually come to understand that the power of Western weapons, in view of Japan's vivid and dramatic changes in domestic and foreign affairs, he hoped that China followed the introduction of Western neighbor Japan advanced military equipment. The strength from Li Hongzhang to Japan encouraged people, but he also saw Japan's potential threat: "Cardiff today in Japan, namely, that of the Japanese also. States far from the West, and away from China's. China has the self-reliance, and Japan will be depend on me to see the shortcomings of Westerners. " Chinese self-improvement to make Japan "depend on me" had been fraught with the tendency of jointing Japan." Japanese self-improvement was always a commendable attitude that Japan was a good example for China. Although he thought Japan was also threat to China, in the maintenance of the state system and oppose foreign aggression, his objectives had began to cooperate with Japan. Serious external threats led to the thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Japan alliance's formation.The thoughts of Li Hongzhang allianced from the impact of the tributary and the treaty system. The thoughts inherited some of the modern system of treaties and the result of combining with the thoughts of two systems alliance gene, which determined the keynote of the thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Japan alliance. Li Hongzhang had been a further understanging of the treaty system, he knew China was lack of strengths and hoped the alliance with other countries to achieve self-thinking had been to a certain extent, freed of the constraints of the tributary system and had modern diplomatic thinking. But he had no concept of the alliance national strength tangible support, no clear mutual assistance treaty invisible shackles, still, by the order of the razed Confucianism. At that time, treaty system was already popular, Li Hongzhang of the Japanese alliance will inevitably affected by the development, and even determined the fate of the failure of Japanese Association of Li Hongzhang's failure.The "Sino-Japanese rapprochement regulations" in 1871 was the first time that the two sides signed a treaty of equality, China and Japan began their modern diplomacy. This was a sign, the thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Sino-Japanese alliance was officially formed. However, Li Hongzhang's thinking of alliance different from the thougths undered the western treaty system: pursuit of functional alliance, no alliance strength of the protection. In the difficult conditions Li Hongzhang was on China's self-improvement position to preserve feudal rule as the ultimate goal. The two sides did not have clear and specific rights and obligations. Their alliance was to prevent collusion between Japan and the Western powers, in the aggression by the big powers, will be Japan's support, then contacted Japan deal with the West. He advocated forming an alliance with Japan, of course, is aimed at checking the powers, but also constrained Japan who might become China's"Serious enemy". "At that time, surrounded by big powers in the international background, he produced the thoughts of alliance which had a certain basis. But Li Hongzhang believed Japan and dependent on the treaty binding. When he hadn't stopped enthusing about the Sino-Japanese alliance, Japan believed that the treaty did not achieve the intended purpose and asked about the change and took advantage of the Qing government neglect prevention actively preparing for the invasion of Taiwan and Okinawa's activities.After the thoughts of Li Hongzhang on alliances forming, positive on Japan's diplomatic started . But Japan there was only lukewarm, and even to invade Taiwan, annexed Okinawa to challenge to the Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang's thoughts of Japanese association also grew from positive to negative. The thoughts of Li Hongzhnag on"joint japan"as Japan's external expansion and gradually shaken, and the negative on Japan's of the Japanese began living-led alliance. In 1885, "Tianjin Treaty" declared negative thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Japan alliance final bankruptcy.In the western powers aggression and the late Qing Dynasty faced serious external crisis, The thoughts of Li Hongzhang on japan alliance formed. Li Hongzhang hoped joint Japan and resist the common enemies, and prevent Japan into the embrace of the West. However, this policy had not produced desired effect which Li Hongzhang hoped and throughout the interference by a variety of factors, the thoughts of alliance would also be changed until the last failure.The Sino-Japanese relations in the early 1970s to the mid 1980s, Li Hongzhang of the alliance with Japan in which was a steering role. It had gone through the creation, development and the end of a three-stage evolution. The thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Sino-Japanese alliance experienced positive and negative short-term changes with Japan's pressing harder and harder. After paying a heavy price ,the thoughts completely ended in failure.The thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Sino-Japanese alliance was a special product of times. Japan Sending Envoys to China contracting requirements with China, as a diplomat Li Hongzhang from the perspective of Japan will take into account the need for some: prevent Japan's aggression against China; joint Japan can jointly confront aggression from the western powers. This was worthy of recognition. In the active intervention of Li Hongzhang, the "Sino-Japanese rapprochement regulations" was signed,and the thoughts of Li Hongzhang on Sino-Japanese alliance formed. After signing of the Treaty, under the guidance of the thoughs of jointing Japan, Li Hongzhang began to implement convinced Japan alliance. Li Hongzhang on Japanese diplomacy was to protect the interests of China, and also met Japan's growing desire of aggression. On balance, Li Hongzhang was more of a compromise to Japan, in order to achieve the purpose of the joint Japan. This was Li Hongzhang weakness of the performance, but more importantly, the international position was Li Hongzhang, the Japanese did not understand the situation, and he went seek with the diplomatic ideas could only lead to loss of self-interests. And Japan in the guiding principles of diplomacy that "breaking away from Asia and into Europe" embarked on the East Asian countries on the road of aggression.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sino-Japanese
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