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On Spacious Style And Intertextuality Of Claude Simon's Novels

Posted on:2008-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360212494688Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Claude Simon (1931-2005) is one of the representatives of "France New Novel" As an important school in France literature after World Warâ…¡and the west post-modernism literature, the school of "New Novel" has achieved remarkable achievements for its art form innovation. In 1985, Simon won the Nobel Prize for Literature, which brought glories to both Simon himself and New Novel. In the abroad, the study on Simon has been placed on college courses. However, in the mainland of China, most of the studies on Simon pay their attention to whole introductions, so a micro grasp on Simon needs deepening.This thesis takes Simon's representative novels of different creation periodssuch as The Flandres Road (1960), The Palace (1962), The World About Us(1981), The Georgics( 1981), The Garden of Plantes(1987) and The Tramway(2001) as its subjects. Based on theories of spacious style and intertextuality,and by using study methods of text analysis, this thesis focuses its analysis on histwo artistic characteristics: one is spacious style and the other is intertextuality,with a hope of getting a correct grasp of Simon's efforts to and achievements onnovel's art form innovation.The thesis consists of 4 parts:Part 1 is introduction. In this part, it gives a general summary of Simon's literary position, his exploration into novels' narration form, as well as the current study on Simon in the mainland.Part 2, i.e. the first part of this thesis' main body, expounds the spacious style characteristics in his novels. Firstly, it introduces the forming background of novel spacious style theory and its connotation. Secondly, it analyzes Simon's spacious style characteristics in light with this theory. According to this theory, the "stream of consciousness" by which Simon constructs his novels becomes the prerequisite of his novels' spacious style; during the specific operating, such writing techniques as parenthesis, details description and narration interruption are employed by him to suspend the time stream of narration, so that quite a lot of scenes and a good deal events come into appearance simultaneously, which in return cultivates a spacious feeling for readers.Part 3, i.e. the second part of this thesis' main body, analyzes intertextuality characteristics in his novels. According to intertextuality theory, citation, allusion and parody are wide-used techniques which can bring about intertextuality. Among the three, citation is the most important, because it can lead to or derive a kind of text which connects with text connotation closely. Compared with citation, allusion is obscure, whether it can be recognized or not depends on reader's cultural knowledge and his insights. The last parody, also comic imitation, criticizes and remedies traditional arts' forms by burlesquing original artistic works. This part just analyzes the intertextuality characteristics of Simon's novels from the above-mentioned three aspects in connection with specific texts.Part 4, i.e. the last part of this thesis, is conclusion. From the analysis of part 2 and part 3, the author puts forwards that both spacious style and intertextuality require reader's initiative participation. This kind of initiative participation is just the connecting point which connects Simon's novels with "communication behavior theory'". With this there arises one important significance of Simon's art innovation arises , that is, in contemporary society which are full of estrangements, one can gain understanding happiness and aesthetic delights by communicating with novels while reading.The value of this thesis lies in that: by the study method of text analysis, it induces Simon's achievements in novel's art form innovation, so that it opens a new study angel for better understanding and grasping of Simon's novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Claude Simon, novel, spacious style, intertextuality
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