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Analysis On Ethical Thought Of The White Peacock

Posted on:2007-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185472747Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Being the first novel of D·H·Lawrence, The White Peacock occupies a special place in all his works. In this novel, Lawrence shows his focus on inner conflict of people and the value behind it. The center of this novel is the contradiction between people's instinct and reason .He is a writer who aimed at finding the real meaning of life for human being, on this point he is a real ethical thinker. All his works are to protect the nature of mankind. In The White Peacock, he discussed the puzzle while choosing between inner instinct and outer properties, and discovered the ethical problem of the oppression done by reason to instinct.Utilitarian ethic based on scientific reason dominate England that time was characterized by utilitarianism and the extreme materialistic attitude towards life. The White Peacock displays the tragedy caused by the choice made under the influence of utilitarianism while discussing the ethic of choice, and thus weakened the rule of modern reason. Lawrence then suggested that people should show respect to instinct, or there will lead to a tragic end. This paper intended to analyze the ethical problem of the oppression done by reason to instinct, and to explain the ethical view of Lawrence.Chapter one mainly analyze the puzzle situation Lettie faced while she determines her choice. Her ethical position changed, and this leads to the story's instability. The story's instability convinced the conflict between reason and instinct.Chapter two explains the conflict different values by analyze the tension of story. The main narrator Syril can not provides a solid ethical standpoint for reader and so reader have to using his own ethical experience to interpret the story. Lawrence uses different strategies in describe those values, and so he controlled the ethical position of reader skillfully. Then tension between Lettie and reader appears, and from this reveals the conflict between two different values.Chapter three describes the tragedy caused by Lettie's choice. The tragedy caused by Lettie's choice is the reflection of mankind's tragedy. On show the tragedy to reader Lawrence discloses the limitation of the value based on reason.
Keywords/Search Tags:The White Peacock, Ethical thought, Reason, Instinct
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