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The Development Of "Conscience"

Posted on:2012-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335963001Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is divided into six parts. The text of the first chapter is about the logic of evolution the "conscience" in "Mencius". Mencius believed that human nature is good, he explains that all of the respective fields of goodness is innate through a series of methods such as argument with Gaozi. Human nature becomes to be himself though mind, which contains Ren,Yi,Li,Zhi.That is the concience. Man has the intuition and recognization of "conscience",which is called Intuitive knowledge.Mencius describes the situation on "Seeing a kid into a well ","King Qixuan can not bear to kill a cow" to make peple feel the existence of this "conscience ".It is not external to human, just exist in the feeling "could not bear" now.The second chapter describes the situation of Mencius and his "conscience" thought in the Han and Tang Dynasties. In Han dynasty, Mencius is cold. In Tang Dynasty, that the study of Confucius and Mencius does not pass a thousand years later,Han Yu and Li Ao looked something to settle down in the Confucian classics among the original basis through the absorption of Buddhism and Taoism,especially famous by Li Ao's " human nature is good,feeling is evil ". This is the harbinger of the questions that neo-confucians discuss.The third, fourth and fifth chapter focuses on "conscience"thought in the Song Dynasty to the development of two-side. In the "Mencius"in the "know"is an innate moral intuition, is "dedicated intellectual know Heaven" and "knowledge. " This point, Ming, Wufeng, are Chengji Meng Xiangshan child came. Zhu Xi is different from this, he will "University""inquiring"and"Knowing "and "Mencius""conscience " of the "knowledge" confused with, and with "Knowing your enemy, as" the subject-object model to understand the treatment of "knowledge. " Obviously, this is "Mencius" intent of mismatched, but also with Ming, the bulk of Xiangshan different, it is a "conscience" to understand Qichu. Zhu departure from rational thinking, "the heart of all things with all the reasons but should be" mind is cognitive subject, reason is the cognitive object. Thus, "conscience" to include the understanding of thinking and rational thought, morality and the relationship between knowledge, there is antagonism and tension between the two, only to promote the "conscience " deep thought to the theory of development.Among them, the third chapter discusses the Tao "benevolence one of" Mencius "conscience" development of ideas, benevolence includes three contents:Nature is the endless benevolence, benevolence can be conscious, know Jen is a "body The effort "approach. Zhu Xi chapter focused on the "conscience " to understand Qichu. Were reflected in the "perception " of understanding, understanding of the relationship of heart nature, have been made and police have not made the understanding of conservation knowledge, apparent in and Ming, Shangcai, Wufeng, who's different. Chapter V focuses on the Mencius Elephant "conscience" inherited ideas, and discuss his and Zhu Xi on "conscience" to understand the root causes of the different:two different ways of thinking."Conscience" Thought is the thinker of the above wonderful interpretation of a few times before showing some of its present development. These theories explain the depth and refinement, as Wang Yangming, "Conscience " theory put forward and laid a rich theoretical foundation. Therefore, the conclusion is a brief discussion on some of Wang Yangming "conscience " to end the development of a summary of the two, and conscience as the body, covering the natural quality of the intake of all forms of expression. It also is Mou "Collapsed" theory putting forward to provide a wealth of nutrients.
Keywords/Search Tags:conscience, evolution, the two different direction of the development
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